Silent Assassin mode idea

Silent assassin mode

So with freelancer now available for a good while now, it’s given me some sort of new idea.
In freelancer, it introduced playstyles that got away from SA. You can shoot or bomb or anything to targets from anywhere and in the middle of anywhere and get away and still complete objectives. It’s fun and all but i still feel like SA not being the main objective kinda makes the mode a little unchallenging from what hitman was all about….SA ….(imo)

The whole purpose of SA was to test and challenge the player with a set of rules to do the hardest task and get away like a ghost so to speak.

So with all this in mind, i thought of sorta mixing contracts mode with freelancer mode for a mode be all about SA.
And within all about being about SA, the purpose of the mode is to give you 1 target on the map and every time you take them out with SA, you get another random target. (Like ghost mode) So it’s continually giving you target after target 1 at a time. The exits are readily available just like freelancer so you can exit whenever you want to keep your score. But the second you lose SA, the game is over and you lose your score.

I know some people have issues with Kill ‘em All contracts which crash the game so maybe limit the target count to 25-30 npcs and once that count is met and all killed with SA and maintaining SA, you either A) get a random exit that you have to get to while of course keeping SA or B) just exit at any exit as all would be available.

In this mode, firstly, you choose your loadout. You can take a maximum of 10 items (yes items. Not like freelancer where it’s about gear capacity based on how the item is rated). With this, each item is given a points rating. So to prevent players to avoid or always take certain items, each item will give more or less points. For example, loud guns will give more points than silenced ones. Loud bombs louder than quieter ones like the breaching charge.

Hiding bodies in crates/closets gives extra points than just leaving them lying around. You always start in your suit in a random spot like freelancer and every target you take out with your suit will also give you a suit only bonus. When you change disguises, you lose the suit only bonus moving forward from the point you’ve changed out of your suit (not any previous target kills in your suit. Those points stay).

Also there are kill objectives that you can choose like 10 accident kills in a row for X amount of bonus points. Etc etc. or just leave it to any kill method, i dunno. Or even using different kill methods or even different items to kill which gives a small bonus too. Suggestions can be offered to open up this mode.

And with every NPC being a potential target, it would never get old. Speedrunners will still have the ability to play it faster as lower times would give more points. So the point system can be very open as well.

So again, you are to start with SA, maintain it and exit with it to “stay alive” in order to get points. But once you lose SA, game over. All points lost as well.

Yay or nay?


“Silent Assassin Streak”

Could be fun.

It could reuse the Freelancer curated targets lists. They all have at least one distraction or one elimination opportunity, frequently both. Random yet fair.

Every NPCs always feels like a false good idea to me.

You could also have a mix of the Pride Profusion and the Gluttony Gobble:

  • Optionally select on site a tool for a higher challenge
  • Reward after threshold