Simple Mod Framework

Does anyone know how to fix this?: (i can’t do it myself because i have no mod knowledge) ( The mod you’re trying to install is invalid. Contact the mod author.
Invalid manifest due to non-matching schema: data/options/0/tooltip must NOT have fewer than 1 characters, data/options/0/tooltip must NOT have fewer than 1 characters, data/options/0 must have required property ‘condition’, data/options/0 must match a schema in anyOf )
the link to the mod is: EasterEgg at Hitman 3 Nexus - Mods and community
also the content folder is empty (using SMF)

i wonder why even u wanna install such mod ! it ruin whole fun of the mission and the game ! u doing escelation and mission to have fun ! if u can unconcious whole map with one egg ! where is the fun in that !

i just like to screw around with the ai (i had some login issues which is why it’s taken so long for me to reply)

Please help me!!! When i click on the “Apply” button, the window pops up:
Applying your mods
Your mods are being deployed. This may take a while - grab a coffee or something.
Fatal error!

RPKG process exited unexpectedly with output:

rpkg prcoess ? whiwch version of smf are using ? cause the one from atompy im using had that rpkg process or another sort of things a decade ago ! right now the latest update so far they removed that sort of thing and im not so sure that smf even right now analyze the damm thing i mean its wrtes analyze and deploying but most of the time doesnt happend a damm thing in game and only smf being installed ! also some times even when that happens some of smf mods are not working anyway !

guys does anyone know where can i find the items and weapon ! in short word everything in hitman ids ! im planning to write some codes for myself ! but i dont have the ids so can anyone help?

First I downloaded the latest version from Nexus, and then GitHub and both give this error. ver game 3.2 Steam

Please ignore them. Can you go into the Third-Party folder of SMF and find rpkg-cli.exe (the .exe portion may be hidden). Once you have found it, run it by double-clicking. Is there any error message?

Thank you very much. I’ve been looking for a solution for 1.5 weeks now. I opened the exe and got the error of missing dll file. I downloaded the 2019 pack for the system and everything worked like clockwork.

Where can I ask for tech support related to SMF? Trying to open it gives an error.

The mod BurnTheWitch.HeritageUI couldn’t be located! This will likely cause issues in parts of the framework. If you deleted a mod folder, use the Delete Mod option next time.

Pressing X or OK reopens the error, effectively locking the whole app. Last thing I remember doing before the issue started was downloading Heritage UI and closing SMF after it ended downloading and the app bugged out (whole window went white). Perhaps patch installation went wrong.
Is there a way to just purge data related to installed mods from level of file explorer? I don’t care much about having to redownload the mods since I only really use 2 of them.

whenever that happens to me it’s because the manifest file failed to download and is missing from the mod folder (also can someone reply to this whenever smf updates)

idk why my text didn’t reply or if it did it doesn’t show up for me

nevermind I figured it out.

does anyone has hitman 3.exe clean file !version 3.210 i need guys if u have i apearciate ur kindness

I seem to have a problem with a script error message that appears and then immediately disappear. I have a legal game updated to the latest version, and I’m running the latest version of mod manager 2.5.1.

When I try to Enable mods I get this error

“ERROR Unknown platform/game version - update both the game and the framework and if that doesn’t work, contact Atampy26 on Hitman Forum!
INFO Initialising error reporting
This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). The promise rejected with the reason:
TypeError: Cannot read property ‘finish’ of undefined
at Object.error (C:\snapshot\simple-mod-framework\compiled\core.js)
at Object. (C:\snapshot\simple-mod-framework\compiled\main.js)
INFO Discovering mod contents
INFO Discovering mod: Realistic AI
INFO Invalidating cache
INFO Analysing framework mod: Realistic AI
INFO Deploying Atampy26.RealisticAI
DEBUG Applying repository patch C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\HITMAN 3\modmanager\Mods\Realistic AI\content-normal\chunk0\Realistic AI Normal.repository.json”

Please help.

Uh… Not sure if the last 2 posts are aware but SMF usually takes a day or 2 to be updated for the current game version. Otherwise it will not work until then.


Ah thanks. My bad, I thought ver 2.5.1 on Git was the update for the new Hitman version. I’ll wait.

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SMF updated (atleast for me)


SmF works fine now
but SDK for freelacer Variant still not work?

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The SDK has not yet been updated. IOI made some big changes to the executable which means it will take longer to update.