Single and Ready to Mingle - Featured Contracts 30th January 2025

The first Featured Contract batch of the year is out.
It is curated by @STREET_SURG30N, and is of one target contracts.

As usual this topic is to discuss the batch, post runs, and everything related.

The contracts are:

  • Show Philip a Good Time, in Paris by H1DDEN K1L
  • Bella Is Looking for Love, in Sapienza by Blackadamus
  • Can Jazzy Jeff Heal?, in Sapienza (Landslide) by R3AL H1TMAN
  • Would You Date Ivy?, in Miami by THAT UNSEEN 1
  • Grants Accidental Breakup, in Whittleton Creek by V0ID R0NIN
  • Laree Is a Jinx for Love, in New York by THAT UNKN0WN
  • Cindy Light My Fire, in Dubai by @STREET_SURG30N
  • Make Sparks Fly, in Mendoza by @STREET_SURG30N
  • SONKO in Love, in Haven Island by @STREET_SURG30N
  • SONKO in Love at Night, in Bangkok (the Source) by @STREET_SURG30N

The theme: each has 1 target and 1 target only. And Love. :heart:


Just play all of them.Most of can use tranq glitch…
Happy to see another guy making tiny contracts like what I do…


Played them while watching the IOI-Stream. They were fun!
Congrats @STREET_SURG30N and everyone involved


congratulation @street_surgeon Last night I Played all mingle contracts five stars have fun and enjoy


All the contracts were easy and fun


I think this was the first FC batch in years that I’ve five star’d every single contract. Usually there’s at least one where I’ll ignore a requirement or two because the whole contract is a convoluted puzzle that is a chore to play.

Simple straight forward contracts like these where the name of the game is to just do what you can to get your time down and increase your score is significantly more fun than trying to solve a stupid puzzle that has very few solutions imo.


Short and sweet.

Enjoyed these though, made a welcome change


My personal opinion, Featured Contracts shouldn’t be hard and too puzzlish