SONKO Challenges

Sonko challenge #137

Contract ID:
PC (epic) : 1-22-9205899-72 (thanks to @Parsime)
PS4: 2-22-3485291-09
Xbox: 3-22-6081858-54 (thanks to @Euler13)

Target and kill conditions

Kill condition is Fire Axe (meele) for all of them.

The fire axe is located on the Batty’s garden, few away from the shed.

Targets location

Lance Gerken is located on the upper floor of Cassidy’s house. During his route, is patrolling the armory, and check from the window with a binocular.

Jed West is a popular one, he’s the lone server in the upper floor of the Wilsons house.

Finally, Ramon Scheffler is one of the two guards patrolling the upper floor of Janus house. Easily recognizable by his haircut.

Good hunting,agents!