SONKO Challenges

I’ve got to say this Molotov cocktail unlock kind of sucks for those earlier sonko contracts that were meant to be more challenging than they are now. I’d caution creators about making future (accident) or (any method) contracts unless there are other factors to make their contract using the item appropriate or challenging.

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why caution something like that lmao, people might like the item or they might not, its just a matter of don’t use it, besides any method contracts are the best ones since it allows for way more creativity which is ultimately what its about

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I don’t agree with your statement whatsoever. It needed to be said that the Molotov should be considered whenever a contract is made. (fire) (accidental) or (any method). Creativity was lost when they gave us the damn thing in the first place.

You can add a extra rules in your contract briefing to tell ppl don’t use molotov in your contract,I think ppl in here will follow the rules…Some trick with molotov still challenging,so I don’t think we should ban that thing easily…


Thank you, however enforcing that rule through the honor system seems unfeasible. I’m not in charge here and frankly I feel out of place talking any further.

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i think you make a valid point … i mean, they got rid of the electrocution phone because it had a massive advantage over other inventory items … the Molotov Cocktail is similar in that it counts as an accident explosion OR fire kill … however, it is an illegal item for 47 to carry, so it does come with a bit more risk than the execution phone … plus you have to place it rather than just drive-by drop it or else KABOOM


molotov shouldn’t be banned anyways for any reason at all, if people wanna use it they will, if not they won’t


SONKO is a project to make a collection of a certain contract type. As long competition is not bake into the concept, the contracts can be as easy or hard as desired if I was asked. :upside_down_face:


Challenge or choice be damned? Do you think SONKO should be illegal item retrieval, than elimination?

I am not sure what you mean here. If you want choice/challenge, then try to include that in your contracts you add to this project.


SONKO is whatever you want it to personally be


I’m sorry my question was weird. Do you prefer an illegal item retrieval or something quick.
I know you do creative things, so your answer could turn out to be something good.

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I guess both can be good. Usually I try to focus on one thing. Something that has no forced waiting times so if you want to (and are able to) do it quick, that should be possible in one flow.

Ideally you infiltrate to get the item and use the item somewhere there on harder targets, or you make the player to exfiltrate with it as well and then pick an easy target that is already isolated.


Won’t you consider making a SONKO contract?


Maybe some day. :yum:


No harm in trying. Thanks dude!

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Never actually got around to posting them but I made little preview screenshots for the SONKO’s I personally made, I should add them to the challenge links but would like to post them here separately just to show them off all at once.





SONKO 104:

SONKO 123:

All of the Photos show off one of the targets in said SONKO.


Long time since I posted in this thread, but here is my run for #134.


Do you mind if I claim #137?


Sonko challenge #137

Contract ID:
PC (epic) : 1-22-9205899-72 (thanks to @Parsime)
PS4: 2-22-3485291-09
Xbox: 3-22-6081858-54 (thanks to @Euler13)

Target and kill conditions

Kill condition is Fire Axe (meele) for all of them.

The fire axe is located on the Batty’s garden, few away from the shed.

Targets location

Lance Gerken is located on the upper floor of Cassidy’s house. During his route, is patrolling the armory, and check from the window with a binocular.

Jed West is a popular one, he’s the lone server in the upper floor of the Wilsons house.

Finally, Ramon Scheffler is one of the two guards patrolling the upper floor of Janus house. Easily recognizable by his haircut.

Good hunting,agents!