SONKO Challenges

Thanks for retrying my contract. I don’t remember what my expected clear time was since I created this one so long ago. However, as you guess, I basically don’t make any contract whose estimated clear time is more than 2 minutes. I wish you the best of luck :smiley:


Which SONKO number is not taken?


#98 could be yours if you want


Nice, I would love to take it. But I need to first submit a run of a SONKO, right?


Holy shit.



Who do I ping when I got a run?

That was impressive. I guess I’ll never play my own contract better than this. You guys are putting me to shame, lol.
Great work!


Just record your run and post the video in this thread. That’s enough.
Once you played any sonko challenge, you are free to claim the next contract. Usually, @Euler13 is still monitoring this thread, and he will eventually put you on list for #98 creation.

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Here’s my SONKO #93 run.

I tried various times to recover the car keys, but things got really inconsistent, and I run out of patience at last. Probably with a different route it’s doable (if I go for the chef first), but I don’t want to retry it anymore, I’m done with this map.
This is actually a good contract (originally by @Parsime), but the random headturning on this terrible map it’s driving me crazy, and I don’t want to retry it anymore, my controller won’t stand another launch against the wall! :joy:


Here is my video submission of a SONKO run. I decided to do SONKO Challenge #36. My time was 1:37
Here is the video:


Can I go ahead and make my SONKO #98 now? Or do I need to say which map and wait for confirmation from Euler?

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I guess you can claim #98 now, but it’s safe to wait for confirmation before posting your contract. Nice run btw.


I believe that one of the requirements for a good contract is the existence of a run that the creator did not expect. At least I think this is a good contract, and I enjoyed it.


Can someone suggest me a map?

Edit: I have decided for it to be a Chongqing fiberwire contract


You’re making @ColdDayInHell 's day with this: His favorite kill method and one of his favorite maps. (looking forward to this as well!)


I present to you some fiberwire madness in Chongqing. This is my first SONKO so I am looking forward to hearing you guys’ feedback on this. The difficulty level is not that high from what I have tested, but it is fun nonetheless. There is a stethescope on the map close to the targets, so @fgdsa_99 can easily do no loadout if it is what he desires.

Contract IDs
PC: 1-30-2713149-53
Stadia: 1-30-0802181-13
PlayStation: 2-30-9592949-00 (Thanks to @Quartz_tan)
Xbox: 3-30-8484679-69 (Also thanks to @Quartz_tan)

I made sure to create this using Urben’s tool, which gave me a JSON file which makes the recreation process much easier. If you are on Xbox or Playstation and would like to recreate it using Urben’s tool, then here is the JSON file.

JSON file:

{"Author":"PapaLevy","MissionId":"451bdccf-fa3a-4aba-8b81-9c7f19c7490a","MissionName":"LOCATION_WET_RAT","TimeLimit":270,"ExitId":"e2a1710e-e74f-424e-89b2-1e2d4a404b8e","CreateFromParamsJ":{"creationData":{"Title":"SONKO Challenge #98","Description":"Welcome to this SONKO Challenge #98 which is taking place in Chongqing. This is fiberwire themed. No loadout is also possible since there is stethoscope on the map. Have fun!\rLearn more on\rBy PapaLevy","Targets":[{"Weapon":{"RepositoryId":"edd82229-9984-45db-802f-8584ecf38ef3","KillMethodBroad":"fiberwire","KillMethodStrict":"","RequiredKillMethodType":2,"RequiredKillMethod":"fiberwire"},"Outfit":{"RepositoryId":"90ad022f-0789-413f-bf3d-603c1237c9b1","Required":true,"IsHitmanSuit":true},"RepositoryId":"965fdd6f-6aab-4743-9416-9831306bea48","Selected":true},{"Weapon":{"RepositoryId":"edd82229-9984-45db-802f-8584ecf38ef3","KillMethodBroad":"fiberwire","KillMethodStrict":"","RequiredKillMethodType":2,"RequiredKillMethod":"fiberwire"},"Outfit":{"RepositoryId":"90ad022f-0789-413f-bf3d-603c1237c9b1","Required":true,"IsHitmanSuit":true},"RepositoryId":"935e35cd-e31f-48d4-b472-e8b66f134020","Selected":true},{"Weapon":{"RepositoryId":"edd82229-9984-45db-802f-8584ecf38ef3","KillMethodBroad":"fiberwire","KillMethodStrict":"","RequiredKillMethodType":2,"RequiredKillMethod":"fiberwire"},"Outfit":{"RepositoryId":"90ad022f-0789-413f-bf3d-603c1237c9b1","Required":true,"IsHitmanSuit":true},"RepositoryId":"e0e8af51-8272-4955-8cc5-c3d262a7442e","Selected":true},{"Weapon":{"RepositoryId":"edd82229-9984-45db-802f-8584ecf38ef3","KillMethodBroad":"fiberwire","KillMethodStrict":"","RequiredKillMethodType":2,"RequiredKillMethod":"fiberwire"},"Outfit":{"RepositoryId":"90ad022f-0789-413f-bf3d-603c1237c9b1","Required":true,"IsHitmanSuit":true},"RepositoryId":"6a3ae9cb-1a19-4748-8450-6d241eb46e6b","Selected":true}],"ContractConditionIds":["008d2eb9-c1c8-44e0-a636-ccca63629f3c","95690829-7da4-4225-a087-08918cccf120"]}}}

If you are recreating it in the traditional sense then here is the target locations etc.


Welcome to this SONKO Challenge #98 which is taking place in Chongqing. This is fiberwire themed. No loadout is also possible since there is stethoscope on the map. Have fun!
Learn more on
By PapaLevy

Details about targets, map etc


Kirsten Petersen, the researcher (Danish name btw)

Filberto Newbold

Samuel Gleaton

Buck Mckeever


This looks interesting, I will give a shot for sure. I’d like to ask, what advantage gives the modding tools, over creating more specific kill and disguise restrictions? (I already readed the dedicated topics, but I still have some questions, since I’m playing on console).

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It makes recreation very easy. With a click of 2 buttons you will have recreated the contract.

Other perks if you are geeky is that you can add complications by editing the JSON file, even though the complications werent done while you made the contract. For instance @linux_penguin asked me to make a ResidentSleeper contract for him with hide all bodies. It was a puzzle, so I just killed the targets and added the “hide all bodies” complication afterwards by editing the JSON file.


Thanks for clarification. Another question: how can I get a JSON file from my contracts, since I’m on Ps4?

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