Switcher Gets The Lore of The Game Entirely Wrong and Others Correct Him

Justified :expressionless:

It’s not that much of a mess, I mean if some people can figure it out that means it’s quite consistent throughout the trilogy even with some bits being more blurred and some names changed, etc… it just needs a lot of attention to details


I would assume Grey only gave the Highmoores the info confirming Cross´s and Morgan´s role in Hannah´s death. They´re an immensely influential family, so chances are they had already known of the ICA´s existence (heck, I mean, Caruso knew…). The info was probably passed in such a way so that the Highmoores wouldn´t know who it´s coming from (same as with the Ether stockholder and Hamilton-Lowe), and passing along the contact for an assassination agency would be pretty conspicuous.

No one knew and no one needed to know they were both going to be in the same place. As you mention in your conclusion, ICA simply gets a contract and does the rest. They search, find, and kill. They probably would´ve had 47 kill both men on separate occasions, but an opportunity arised where they were both in the same place at the same time (which obviously works better for story-telling and mission-design purposes).

That person who says that is most likely some kind of government agency official or business representative (due to her comments about the effects on the construction and real estate market), and what they meant was essentially that the existence and activities of the Delgado cartel served or were in line with “their” (i.e. the agency´s/country´s/company´s) interests. And unlike Hector, Rico was “controllable/predictable”. Not everyone at the party is part of or even aware of Providence (the vast majority most likely aren´t). But as Heisenberg said, the Delgado cartel was not allied/affiliated with Providence. Their arch-enemy, the Moreno cartel, were.

Yes, Morgan was a target strictly because of his role in acquiting Jordan and shaming Hannah in the process. As Heisenberg mentions, and based on what is said (or rather not said) in the mission, Morgan may have not been aware of Providence´s existence despite doing their bidding. Though given he was close to both Thomas Cross and Don Yates, and represented numerous Providence asset companies, it´s also not unlikely that he did know about them and was their operative. However, nothing in the game per se confirms it (though we don´t really learn explicitly about Providence until the subsequent mission, so it makes sense there´s no talk/hints about them in Club 27). However, the World of HITMAN art book has Morgan pictured alongside Savalas and Knox on the “Providence Operatives” page, so if that´s anything to go by…

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There are instances where Ken Morgan and Dexy Barat are talking on their phones. :thinking: (And) I think Dexy knew Ken would be there. Thomas Cross knew, and Dexy was in touch with Thomas (right?). Wasn’t Dexy planning to give Ken Morgan the recording?

I can imagine something similar to the board from the bunker.

We’ll need photos of each person, or a silhouette with ‘?’, along with info, a description of their role/s…

A timeline could correspond to the missions we’ve played, H1 through H3, as well as events that we haven’t witnessed in-game, like Cobb’s plane crash, the Jordan Cross funeral procession and Thomas Cross kidnapping…

Colored :red_circle: :large_blue_circle: :yellow_circle: (things) could signify which individuals are associated with whichever organization, group, etc. Such as Providence, the ICA… Then a diagram of how those particular (groups) are associated with each other. Maybe a Venn Diagram?

Just brain storming. :sweat_smile:

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Bruh, if anyone would be able to give us a whole document explaining WoA lore I’d be more than happy

Btw I changed the name of the thread to a much more fitting one


:joy: Aw, don’t be so hard on yourself. Maybe ‘The Hitman Lore (project) Topic’ where others that are more read up on the details can chip in, work out some of the details, associations, plot points, etc.

Edit: I AM thinking this would cover mainly the WoA trilogy… But the cloning program would probably have to be included. I don’t know about any other events from the other games tho. :thinking:

  1. I’m laughing about it, it’s not a physics test or something, I don’t care to get lots of it wrong, lmao.

  2. This is what I’m trying to make, I left the top post open for any Lore expert to go in and Correct/Add details in order to make a complete Lore Thread in the forum, and being honest, it’s surprising that this game came out almost 2 years ago and no one thought to make to make a thread for lore.



Ken Morgan was a Providence operative, according to the above image from the digital storybook originally posted by the.designer.boi. Also, Mendoza dialogue of someone who I cant remember talks about Providence losses and includes The Brick.

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But there’s nothing in-game that suggests Morgan was an actual knowing member of Providence. He may have been an operative, but was it willingly, did he actually know the people he worked for and with represented a greater organization?

Let’s assume for the moment he was, just on a preponderance of the evidence, even if there’s nothing direct; Morgan’s death was still coincidental. Grey’s plan only included Jordan, to get to his father. That the Highmoores wanted Morgan dead too, and that he also happened to be a top Providence lawyer, was still just collateral damage and icing on the cake, weakening Providence a little bit further even ahead of Grey’s plan.

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If someone is (called) an operative, then I would assume they actually know on who´s behalf they operate, no? At least that´s the way I perceive the word… Otherwise they would be… an asset, perhaps? A pawn? :no_mouth:

But yeah, as you say, nothing in the game explicitly confirms it (don´t recall that particular Mendoza bit and what exactly it said though), and even if he was, at that point in the story his death was merely a bonus in terms of Grey´s plan.

IIRC Yates also mentions Morgan being from Providence when he talks to his wife on the balcony.

Mind to share a clip of that convo?

I don’t really know if I could record a video since my PC is more or less a potato, but it should be easy enough to see that event, start as gaucho, get the villa key from the shack and climb on the villa roof to listen to their conversation.

So it’s when they both are having their convo in the balncony?

Yup, at least that’s where I remember hearing about it.

I haven’t read the whole thread, maybe this was already said. But Viktor didn’t hired him, Grey found him and he knew everything about him and his problems with the FSB. So it was more that Grey made an offer to him, rather than Viktor hiring him.

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That part was the correction from others,
If you want to correct it, you can, but first I think that you and @thrison need to agree on that one, lol

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Maybe if I make this more clear. There is a dialogue with Novikov and some guy in the back of the bar in Paris, this is what they say:

Novikov: (…) I knew our nameless friend would come through. Very good.

Bodyguard: I stil don’t like it. This worries me. I mean, who is this guy? What kind of man enters a heavily guarded government building, kills an FSB section chief and sets him up as a US spy without breaking a sweat? Where’d you find this guy anyway?

Novikov: See, that’s the thing. He found me. He knew the FSB was investigating my past and he knew all about IAGO using models as trojan horses. Everything. A guy like that? Let’s just say let him do most of the talking.


Damn, if I didn’t had enough reasons to love Grey, it’s a shame they killed him in Berlin like that, someone like him should die naturaly

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