In the last patch, in Freelancer, the IOI Hitman Live team created a new panel for the weapon wall.
It includes the purchasable DLC items. From the CelbrETs Packs and from the Trinity Pack.
It responded to an on-going critic of the packs, their unavailability in Freelancer, and their inequality to the Street Art and Makeshift Packs.
(and it created an in-game visible minder and incentive to buy the DLCs)
Currently all individual packs are part of Freelancer with their own panels.
(7DS and Deluxe are included in the deluxe pack and seemingly seen as default WoA for Freelancer)
This new, purposeful for the monetization, addition was seized on the forum, in multiple posts, to ask for even more new items on the Freelancer weapon wall. Or everything to be added. As much as I against it, I think it is deserving of a topic, a place to discuss it and gather information about what is wished to be added.
Here is a list of current weapons unlocks from the main game inventory that would be available to be added to the Freelancer weapons wall.
I have included some details when needed, for the sake of information and the conversation:
Deluxe pack items (Deluxe)
Seven Deadly Sins pack itsms (7DS)
Twitch Drops items (Twitch)
MK II items (items already in Freelancer, but not their identical if for a pink sticker self) (MK2)
Items present in the OSP loot stashes, or pickup (loot)
It should be added that Freelancer possesses some weapons and items that never were unlocks in the base game. Or even used in the game. Bartoli, Hackl, and other Eiffel Tower Knife…
Their potential counterparts are numerous, and for my own sanity I will not make a list of them.
ICA19 IceBaller
ICA19 SilverBaller MK II (MK2)
Kalmer 1 (Tools)
Krugermeier 2-2 Dark
Striker V3
The Ducky Gun
The Floral Baller
The Purple Streak ICA19 (Twitch)
The Serpent’s Tongue (7DS)
The Taunton Dartgun (Deluxe)
Brine-Damaged SMG
DAK Gold Covert (Deluxe)
Militia-Issued HX-10
SMG Raptor Rude Rubby
Splashdash SMG (7DS)
Bartoli Hunting Shotgun Deluxe (Deluxe)
Enram HV Covert MK II (MK2)
The Maximalist Shotgun (7DS)
Assault Rifles
Tac-4 AR MK II (MK2)
The Shaska Beast (7DS)
Hackl Sniper Rifle Ducky Edition
Jaeger 7 Green Eye (7DS)
Jaeger 7 Tiger MK II (MK2)
Sieger 300 Artic (Deluxe)
The Golden Dragon (Deluxe)
The Majestic (7DS)
The White Ruby Rude 300 Smiper Rifle
A New Bat
Banana (loot)
Blueberry Muffin
Burj Al-Ghazali Snowglobe
Crystal Ball (loot)
Earphones (loot)
Feather Duster
Fiber Wire Classic
Fish (loot)
Fishing Line (loot)
Hobby Knife
IO Elite S2VP Earphones
Jarl’s Pirate Saber
Kukri Machete
Measuring Tape
Meaty Bone
Nne Obara’s Machete
Ornate Scimitar
Sacrificial Knife
The Black Almond’s Dagger
The Cat’s Claw (7DS)
The Devil’s Cane (7DS)
The Iridescent Katana
The Proud Swashbuckler (7DS)
The Purple Streak Bat (Twitch)
The StraitJacket Belt (Deluxe)
Walking Cane
White Katana (Deluxe)
Because they are frequently part of the discussion or part of a larger theme, I also add some of the gears.
The rest will not be included because (1) there is a lot both for Freelancer and this topic, (2) a large amount of them are used in the OSP in-mission stashes design and balance, or (3) they are obviously part of the game mode core economy and tool crate balance.
Guru’s Emetic Grenade (Deluxe)
Electrocution Phone (honorary, it’s a very frequent wishlist)
Greedy Little Coin (7DS)
“Bubble Queen” Gum Pack (7DS)
Guru’s Pen Syringue (Deluxe)
Goldbrick Proximity Mine (7DS)
Molotov Cocktail (honorary, it’s a frequent wishlist)
Do people know that OSP stands for on-site procurement, because I had to look that up?
Anyway, I don’t think we’re really missing anything from Freelancer. There are plenty of weapons for every need and I’m not sure we actually have to have every ICA 19 / Baller reskin.
That being said, I do think that The Black Almond’s Dagger might be interesting. It could be nice to have a lethal throwable, that also has some poison in it (if its weight is reasonable).
While I personally almost never use The Serpent’s Tongue, it would a new game mechanic to Freelancer, that some people might be interested in,
I think if they do add more weapons to Freelancer, they need to change the way Prestiging works. Because adding more items that either a) count toward Prestiging would make it take a lot longer to do (when it’s already quite long) or b) don’t count toward Prestiging meaning that suppliers become even more cluttered by items which make it harder and longer to Prestige.
Personally I think it should be that it’s just a set amount of items needed to Prestige, whatever the total is right now for all the Snipers/Pistols/Shotguns/SMGs/Assault Rifles/Melee walls and the Ornamental and Ancestral weapons. And anything they add to Freelancer doesn’t make the number higher, but all of the weapons still count toward that total so there aren’t any “useless” items like there are now.
I don’t think any addition will be made.
I think the new panel was created for monetization acknowledgement and incentive.
It does create an argument for a Deluxe Pack panel with the Deluxe and 7DS items though.
I think the recent post asking in consequence for more items for their own sake are senseless and misunderstood the new panel, and might be a dangerous slope.
Personally, gears and most melee I’m afraid of them being asked.
It could destroy the game mode balance, economy, design. The whole thing, really.
On melee, I wouldn’t say no to the Broadsword, or the Almond’s Dagger.
But most of the rest have too many parallel/reskins in the OSP stashes, or Safehouse pickup from mastery track to be messed with.
On gear, any new dose of poison, explosive, lockpicks, tools, coins… immediately negatively disrupt the game mode.
The funny thing about the rest, the firearms.
If you exclude the Twitch drops items (let us not bring FOMO is the Safehouse) and the MKII items (they are litteral duplicate of items already present).
And assume a new panel for Deluxe and Seven Deadly Sins items to aknowledge the Deluxe Pack.
Then it only leaves 10 firearms, which might not be too disruptive:
Ambrose weapons
Brime-Damaged SMG
Militia-Issued HX-10 SMG
Ducky and Rude Ruby weapons,
SMG Raptor Rude Ruby Covert
The Ducky Gun
The hackl Sniper Covert “Ducky” Edtion
The White Ruby Rude 300 Sniper Rifle
the Krugermeier 2-2 Dark
the Striker V3
the Floral Baller
the ICA19 IceBaller
(I would personally heavily dislike the IceBaller because of its clashing unrealistic aesthetic though)
But I’m still wary of them all. Hitman shines when it’s curated and careful. And it’s why I like Freelancer above the current main game. And why I’m afraid for it.
I think the hook and the Molotov Cocktail have an honorary discussion to be had though.
Them being Ambrose items.
Because I suspect they are not in Freelancer only because of compartmentalization of the production in Year 4.
Because it would both be funny, and interesting for end-game players: Electrocution Phone as a legendary item sold at 20.000 Merces. Broken, but costly and one use.
Added next to the collector edition items in the melee panel.
Just seems like IOI tries to make a purchase-in-game service like Fortnite, GTA Online and so on to have a constant profit from their game. Or at least to try to.
It’s maybe a good marketing/business strategy for years to come when new HITMAN game is well under the horison and they need to feed themselves.
I can’t blame them for this, but I have a choice to refuse buying stuff exclusively for mode I don’t play much. I in general don’t like in-game-purchase strategy, so it’s just not my cup of tea
Do we really need to have a bunch of pointless reskin options (more so than what is already available in Freelancer)?
Adding all of these would also make doing the Prestige challenges way more infuriating than it already is too - since you’ll have to wade through getting items that don’t even count from the suppliers and Syndicate reward crates while go through your journey.