The Chameleon - Year 4

Well just about everything that could have gone wrong did, but I pulled it out.


Lemme guess you tried to do it suit only?

(13 people apparently did worse. They probably thought this was a kill everyone contract?)

(Oh and thanks for the thread, I would totally have missed that guy otherwise because I thought only the Undying was live :x )


Suit Only? You hurt me madam! I have changed outfits on the way out of the level after killing the target just to avoid accidentally finishing Suit Only!

I think i changed outfits about 15 times in this attempt. At one point I had about 30 people who were searching for me. It was a very bad run saved only by the fact that I finished it.


And no ko? :rofl:


I must have knocked out about 20 people. Lost track really but I know I ran out of closets and chests to stash them in!


Debating whether to follow my usual pattern of pushing this guy off the balcony, or using my newfound ability to utilize the gun lure trick and lead him to the garage where I can drop a truck on him. Decisions, decisions.


Ironically this is the only one of the three that are out that I even bothered to SA. Colorado is to easy to die in to do anything less.


tbh I’d probably do the same, if I still wasn’t on my quest to complete every challenge in the game. Either that or just not play them at all.

I just blew up the Undying and the Ascensionist with an exploding oil canister because it was the quickest low effort method I could think of. For the Chameleon, I had no choice but to alter slightly and had to go through the effort of pouring the oil and then dropping a proximity taser to ignite it.


Decided to just get it over with and pushed him to his death.


Guess who forgot about the special condition and snapped his neck :stuck_out_tongue:
Four years of elusive targets and the first one i failed (hell, first I didn’t get silent assassin in) is one where i actually successfully killed him!!!


Super easy method for a Suit Only/Silent Assassin/No Loadout/No KO/No HUD method :+1: Perfect timing :stopwatch: by killing the target with an accident kill by using no explosions :boom:

Colorado is such an easy map to master :+1:

I found obtaining the Lethal Syringe :syringe: in the basement the most silent method, plus you don’t need to emetic poison any of the hackers or the guard who keeps patrolling & entering the room. Grab the info from the laptop to complete both objectives :+1: I don’t use the 3D scanner of Sean Roses face as it causes a distraction. So I leave the mission area where I started :+1:

Agent 47 out :slightly_smiling_face:


The Wicker Man Challenge complete :+1:


Speaking of burning… Anyone kill him yet with the oil-can? Or rather, the puddle you get after spilling it. (Don’t go shooting the oil-can!)


Interesting :thinking: How about throwing a Molotov on the outside of the building where he moves close to the window. Would that count as an accident?

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That’s what I did, now I can say I’ve got him with all the accidents (with the explosion accident being in the arcade, where we’re allowed to)


Molotovs are no longer fire accidents. They only were for like a couple of months before IOI quickly nerfed them.


Well, I did try to toss a Molotov at the ceiling underneath the food critic (in Bangkok). It only exploded… And now I’m wondering if even an emetic (impact) grenade will permeate through the floor. Eh… Might as well try that on this ET (even in Arcade).

This post isn’t so much about the Molotov as it is about a mechanic or exploit where (things happen) through the floor/ceiling below.

Edit: The emetic impact grenade still works through the ceiling/floor.


Thanks for letting me know :+1: I rarely use items like that or check updates.

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The Chameleon POV.