The Guru, The Congressman, The Undying cant come back in Hitman 3, but couldnt they be reran in their original games?


I was just watching a Hitman stream for the Purple Streak unlock, and someone from IOI was in chat… When the streamer ended the stream, they pushed their luck and asked about the two other celebrity ETs…



Sorry for the shitty screenshots, my hands were shaking :joy:
Also sorry if this is not the best thread for this, my brain bluescreened when I saw the maybe and it hasn’t restarted yet.

So right now, we got a “maybe, we’ll see, but hopefully” for The Undying to return again.


If they’re open to bringing back The Undying, then I would assume The Wildcard being a hard no is due to Busey being charged with sex offense charges last year.


That was my first thought too.

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Dammit, the Wild Card is now officially the one bit of WoA playable content that I never got. Been hoping they’d bring him back.


If they do bring The Undying back, I don’t really want it to be as a temporary ET. I’d rather it be a Special Assignment with challenges that’s a permanent inclusion. Honestly, The Drop would be great as a Special Assignment too with the huge amount of mission stories and kill methods. Sell them as DLC to fund the contract costs.


For Guru and Congressman, I was thinking of an ETA “complication” that would make the mission count as complete after only killing one target, making the second optional. This way (if such complication is even possible to implement) we could have them technically playable separately in H3 if this modifier was used with Decievers (and then we could have some other dual ETs to fill the rest of the track, or maybe someone like the Warlord who has an annoying secondary).

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Didn’t IOI mention something about a new escalation this week in a blog postearlier this year? I don’t find this info yet.
EDIT: Got it. In Spring Roadmap (section: the road ahead)

We’re just getting started, look forward to more Year 3 versions of Elusive Targets, as well as a chance to catch up on any Years 2 targets you may have missed. In addition, we will be introducing new unlocks, challenges, and a fresh escalation for you to sink your teeth into.

Maybe the new escalation would be an arcade escalation with the Undying, the Drop, and the Undying returns? :thinking:

IOI was able to release the Sarajevo Six this year on all platforms in H3, despite it was initially a PS4 exclusivity. Maybe IOI is seeking for a way to obtain the possibility to release the Undying (with Sean Bean) on H3.


Might even be The Undying, The Undying Returns and The Fixer =P

Just to mess with people.


You’re joking, but I’d genuinely love that…