The Music Thread

As I close out the game, a few Rhythm Heaven tracks that are fun

Rhythm Heaven Megamix OST - Spaceball - YouTube
Rhythm Heaven Megamix OST - First Contact - YouTube
Rhythm Heaven Megamix OST - Fruit Basket 2 - YouTube
Rhtyhm Heaven Megamix OST - Frog Hop ~ "Young Love Rock 'n Roll" - YouTube
[Rhythm Heaven Megamix] - Pajama Party (Perfect) (English) - YouTube (song only doesn’t cut it)
[Rhythm Heaven Megamix] - Blue Bear (Perfect) (English) - YouTube (song only doesn’t cut it)
Rhythm Heaven Megamix OST - Cosmic Rally - YouTube
Rhythm Heaven Megamix OST - Final Remix - YouTube

bonus: I wish more endless games were “rhythm/music-based” than “game/challenge-based” Still, the best endless game here is Charging Chicken because it’s extremely satisfying yet nerve-wracking.
[Rhythm Heaven Megamix] - Charging Chicken (English) - YouTube Also chicken heh

This goes fuckin Hard

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Today is Canada Day, eh.


Worked for this band at a show recently and it felt legitimately dangerous. It felt like anyone onstage or off could get injured at any time. I loved it.

ALSO the song they play at 1:13 goes hard as fuck and they need to release that ASAP. Total earworm groove


Hail Xenu! Thanks to the power of Scientology Tom Cruise has lived to be 60.


The Persona series has a ton of fantastic tracks across several games. This is not one of them.

Probably the only Persona track to name drop Chef Boyardee and Koolaid.

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For the longest time, we’ve had an extended version of the Stranger Things theme song. The composers had it put at the end of S1V2 soundtrack. Awesome.

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He gets a lot of shit these days, but it was said by Jordan Peterson that listening to music is like a rose blooming; slowly opening up more and more until you get a beautiful serenity flower of it. Or a lotus flower gracefully growing underwater to eventually reach the water surface.

I particularly liked C418’s ‘The End’ piece from his volume alpha album - how its structured in a way that feels calming and eerie. I don’t think any other song in the album is conducted like this.

Genre: Electronic

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Working on the Lolla schedule. Lots of fun surprises such as Binki! BMI (the smallest stage) Friday at 5:45

Theme for Today


I definitely do miss this band a lot, though these days trying to google them will probably put you on some sort of watch list.

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Genre: Metal

:joy: is the name a coincidence or did they choose the name to be edgy ?