Things About Hitman You Just Found Out

The Witmer/Carlisle 2025 Campaign is not going very well.


I don’t know why the vast majority of people (me Included) chose De Santis.
I guess it’s because Witmer sounded a little incompetent. I never gave him a chance anyway, always knock him out before anything.


Unless I just haven’t played FL in a long enough time - this is the 1s time I’ve seen this as a food item to poison. :smile:


Edit: Pizza too?


This scene might be a callback to Codename 47? Even his hand position is the same:


These are very common haha but the pizzas scary me when I need to poison my target because in the beginning of Freelancer the pizza was duplicated and the target would eat from a second unpoisoned one under the one you poisoned, I think it was fixed already but the fear remains.


If an NPC has puking in its routine they don’t count as occupying the bathroom. But if you sieker them and they stay exactly the same the bathroom counts as occopyied. The original target won’t go there and finds another place.


I’ve just realised that, of the three times 47 has gone to England, at least two of those times he has gone to the south-west (Cornwall in Absolution, Dartmoor in Hitman 3). We aren’t told where Beldingford Manor is, according to the wiki, although it could totally be in that part of the country too?
This also means that there’s a lot more potential for English missions that two mansions and a graveyard hasn’t quite tapped into. Sgail’s the only UK mission outside of England but even then, it is just an island in the sea without many (or any) Scots. Perhaps with this information I’ll add the Cotswolds onto my location wishlist :smiley:
… or even a trip to Schaeffer-Moore’s R&D facility!!


I got the job applicant with an emetic as he was throwing up in the toilet and he immediately walked over into the next bathroom stall to throw up in, yes you guessed it, the trash bin.


oh, also

I had this happen to me once where I had the green guns AND an unconscious witness.
Which i did not know was possible


So, remember Squeky Toy? Yeah, that one-time distraction?
Some of you might know, that it makes a sound when stepped on (most noticabely, when you climd through the window in Hawks Bay). And this sound distracts npc. That makes the item useful as a distraction which you can use without anyone noticing you use
But I just found out that it makes sound when you bump into things with it. It is insanely inconsistent, might be even a bug, I didn’t manage to replicate it twice, but I got it while crawling and bumping it into a stove in Hokkaido.


Does it get destroyed after bumping into something? Or remain intact? If it remains intact - that could be an alternative to tapping/bumping something (like cars in Absolution - another much needed mechanic that should return to WoA).

Edit: Since you mentioned it squeaks when stepped on… I’ve never tried placing it in the path of an NPC, but now I’m wondering. :thinking:

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Yeah, it remains intact both after bumping and stepping on. Lemme check what if an npc steps on it…

So, I have two bad news:

  1. This applies only to “Squeky Toy”, not its “Red-Tie Kiwi” variant. So, item is inclusive only to Hawks Bay and Freelancer(
  2. NPC do not trigger the distraction

And once again, I didn’t manage to replicate that effect so it was probably a bug… But I feel like the Red-tie kiwi should have the same properties, I’ll post it later as a bug into the section.


There is an actual animation for 47 to carry a briefcase on ladder


I’m skeptical that this is a dedicated animation. Looks more to me like his arm bone is held in place as you descend since it only otherwise animates when moving horizontally.


I also just found out some poeple are never happy :blush:

Ill upload my other screenshot when i can.

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Don’t be surprised about anyone’s skepticism. 47 normally drops anything he’s carrying when he begins any climbing animation be it a ladder or drain pipe. So, regardless of the screen shot/s, it’d be more helpful if you explained how it was done. :slight_smile: 'Cause it’d be very helpful in transporting some items to a higher or lower level… Without the risk of losing them or an NPC finding them and taking them or reporting them.

And yes. He still carries a large item if it’s one lift-up or hop-down. But that certainly doesn’t happen with that or any other ladder/drain pipe. I mean, normally or as far as most other people know. :thinking:


I’m not the person you asked and this is caveated with an IIRC, but in Freelancer, starting at the top of this ladder causes the briefcase to be on the floor for a time, eventually being delivered to 47’s hand if it’s not picked up before, potentially with him on the ladder and therefore giving us this? It’s definitely at least freelancer since the freelancer-exclusive icons for the supplier and whatnot are on the minimap


Oh yeah… There was something like that in Dartmoor when starting by the motorcycle, where if you didn’t pick up the briefcase after starting it’d teleport/snap to your hand.


It’s because it’s connected to the neck bone