Things About Hitman You Just Found Out

100% accurate and they don’t get enought credit

Ok, weirdest damn thing happened just now while playing Freelancer at Sapienza. Had an objective to pacify 3 guards with concussive explosives. My last one I decided to make the guard at the very top of the tower in the ruins. Stupid me, I placed the explosive directly behind him and triggered it. The explosion knocked him over the edge and he fell off the tower, which those of you who remember, know that it’s very tall. I cringed in anticipation of my Silent Assassin prestige objective getting ruined and having to start over, but the one thing I never expect: the motherfucker survived! I don’t know if it was just a fluke, or if the game registered the concussive KO and not the fall, but apparently, there is a scenario where an NPC can survive a fall that they absolutely should not.


There is no fall damage related to height if an NPC falls in an area that isn’t out of bounds. Out of bounds areas, I believe, have a “kill zone”.

As for the objective you were going for… Pardon me for “backseating” but… Sapienza should be one of the easiest locations to get that objective. There are more than enough guards, and there are plenty of fire extinguishers. Although, I’d definitely wait to do that last if on a showdown and the leader is already taken care of.

Edit: Just in case there’s any confusion. That same NPC you could’ve KO’d, then grabbed and pulled next to the edge. You would have the option to dump/eliminate. Yes. This would kill him since it’s scripted to do that in the game. But that’s just another inconsistency. Let’s say if you did a boost exploit and got on top of the railing on that tower. You could walk off and land on the ground with no realistic physics or gravity based occurrence consequence. You’d be completely unphased.

So the NPC being blasted over the railing is bypassing the scripted steps that would normally dump and eliminate him.

Sorry if I over explained that. :sweat_smile:


The choice to use the concussive on that particular guard was, shall we say, “mission related.”


Was he a target?

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No, but I needed to be in that area, so I decided to get him since he was conveniently isolated.

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Janus’ appearance reminds me of a Kim Philby’s, who was also a cold war spymaster, thought it’s probably not that uncommon look for old people.



Can we kindly stop derailing this lovely thread please and thank you?

You can intentionally trigger the laser door at the weapon cache with the bomb in shogun showdown, to clear the outdoor area with the helicopter of guards, so you can easily plant the bomb. I recently discovered this and I think it might actually be an intentional mechanic, but it’s never been mentioned online by any walkthroughs I can find. Triggering these lasers causes the outdoor helipad guards specifically to all congregate in the hallway for the rest of the mission unless disturbed, and you can easily trigger the lasers without blowing your cover or causing an alert.

The fact that the game clearly intends us to use the main alarm button on the third floor as a distraction, which results in a swarm of ninjas running past you with the same animation and same reduced suspicion and everything, I think further lends credence to the idea that this was meant to be an intentional lure/distraction mechanic.

It also makes me think that the floor squeak is meant to be used similarly. There are 2 guards right behind the laser door in the squeaky floor room leading to the basement, and they will always run to wherever you squeak after you do so for a second time. While the guards usually don’t become suspicious of you for just walking past them, it always did feel sort of awkward how you had to get so close to them to proceed past the lasers, and seems like in real life they would definitely be suspicious in this situation.

The room is also perfectly spaced and placed with crates along the wall such that you can run from one beam to the next, squeaking twice, and then hide behind the crates right next to the laser door as the guards run to where you made the noise, letting you easily slip by them and go through the door to the basement while they are investigating.

I wonder if these things were ever noticed or discussed in any of the old threads on this site that were wiped. I’m surprised I can’t find any mention of them online anywhere


In the Chongqing ICA facility, I think they changed some railings (near where the gal who is trying to remember “today’s code” enters the facility and goes down some steps) to where it eliminates an NPC instead of just dumping them.

I tried an older contract of mine and I’m sure you could just dump a KO’d body without it killing. Because this particular contract could be done with only 1 KO (the target). Also, this was before we got the oil-can. So the kill condition could only be done by dragging the target down to the Server core and activating the fire. And from what else was going on in my life this was late in the year of 2021. :thinking:


There is a quite spectacular looking Wendigo graffiti design on Berlin that the devs liked enough to reuse in the reused bar as a 3D decoration.

2D Wendigo

3D Wendigo

Low-quality images? I would never post those, not once.

Edit: Yes, those are lightbulbs in the eye sockets, and yes, you can shoot them to destroy them.


I just found out that you can take the propane flask with you on ledges (at least at this place):


I also realised yesterday the oil canister works this way too when I was climbing around Sgail


Some ledges just work like that, you can take briefcases too.


Thanks to @RolePlayWalkthrough I just found out that in motorcade interception if you wait around long enough the mosque will play the call to prayer song and all the guards will go over there to pray.


Yeah and it’s kinda funny because they all drop their guns and you can hear it from any part of the map. You don’t usually hear that sound effect in the game unless you drop your own gun so the first time it happened I was like wtf is going on why does it sound like it’s raining rifles


For the first time in history
It’s gonna start raining guns (Start raining guns)
It’s raining guns! Hallelujah!
It’s raining guns! Amen!


I think that, at least mostly, if 47 will hang from the ledge by his hands then he can’t take a large held item, while if he will be standing on the ledge then he’ll pocket it. Once he’s on the ledge with the item pocketed, he can switch to hanging without losing the item.

One place where you can really see this is in Dartmoor, going from Emma’s balcony to the nearby ledges. If you vault the railing (to hang) he’ll drop the dog-head cane, while if you go to the corner and step onto the ledge he’ll pocket it.


Watching TheKotti mastery 20 Bangkok speedrun.

I found out that if you remove the music producer (knock out or distract long enough), Jordan Cross goes to the roof to have a smoke.
At the same location he goes with the drummer “Man Machine” mission story. He can be pushed with the same cinematic of going through the glass.

(per the video, someone called “Clicker” found it first)

Push happens at 14:27, timestamped above.
Explanation and distraction of the producer happens at 09:59. (link timestamped to it)