Unpopular opinions about Hitman

almost every hitman game has a different atmosphere. that’s what helps keep the series fresh.

i’d say c47 and h2:sa are quite comic booky, the latter more than the former; though at this point the series was still finding its voice.

contracts - my personal favourite - has a dense supernatural/noir-like flavour. hong kong even has slight cyberpunk vibes with its splashes of neon.

blood money has an almost lynchian vibe, where the surface rarely matches what is going on beneath it. its overwrought and seemingly simplistic colour palette is a perfect match for 47’s first proper foray into the usa and the series beginning to lean into the darkly satirical (it doesn’t get nearly enough credit for this).

absolution is a grindhouse/sub-tarantino take on the series. overall, i found it a bit teenage for my tastes, but it looked amazing.

woa is that of the modern spy/conspiracy thrillers, though it retains blood money’s ‘scratch beneath the surface’ style of story telling, taking it to the next level. given the current situation, geo-politically, this is very much on-the-nose in terms of zeitgeist.

i hope this jumping into different styles continues with future hitman games.

also, i think it’s hard to argue ‘bond hitman’ is “generic”; there are no other examples of it anywhere in gaming (unless i’m mistaken, in which case, point me at them because i want to play them! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:).