Unused skins of stone and knight that suggest that hitman would have got a co-op mode on explorable maps.
Would it be cool?
Unused skins of stone and knight that suggest that hitman would have got a co-op mode on explorable maps.
Would it be cool?
Honestly, I hope it will never happen. It would be a huge waste of energies to produce poor-quality content. My opinion
It may have been considered for Ghost Mode, not necessarily a co-op campaign.
Ik, i didn’t put it just because the image limit was one, the purpose was only the make them get the idea.
Btw ty❤️
I agree. If anything maybe in one level an option to have knight or stone or Smith take a shot for you. Basically the remote sniper kill from Mendoza without the camera complication. Anything once I say, but 47 works alone.
Thought more or this. It would be pretty fun if Knight or Stone had overwatch of the back entrance and there was a fairly difficult way to trigger a target evacuation which resulted in a cinematic kill where 47 uses the radio thing in his ear to say “coming your way” and then they hit the shot. Maybe a super complicated secret challenge to make them miss the shot or at least miss once and then have to take a second one to finish the mission and trigger some hilarious dialogue where 47 is just totally put out that it took 2 shots
While it might not be 47’s style to have an on-site “helper” a co-op mission might work well where one player infiltrates the mission to scope things out while the other player gives support like what Olivia did. Or you could have an ET type of target where one on-site player can tag a suspect and ‘player 2’ will have said suspect hilighted, then they can track them from their remote location in order to snipe them… or give feedback on what they’re doing. Etc.
I think there’s at least one other game like that already. So for IOI to make something similar could be risky or a potential lawsuit waiting to happen.
But yeah. It does sound fun. I just don’t see it having much if any staying power to be worth the trouble.