Yeah, I know that. I’m trying to see if this guy has a method I might be able to follow, but if it involves KOing too many to hide the bodies, I can’t use that.

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How do you get down off the roof?

You just walk down. There is no barrier preventing you going in any direction because the player is never intended to be up there, so they never would have added them.

I guess that means fall damage isn’t a thing?

what is your method Heisenberg

Not sure completely yet, it’s been so long since I’ve done it, but I remember getting up to the target’s suite without taking a disguise, killing her with her machete, and then getting back down by throwing distractions. I don’t remember the usb drive part, so that one I’m gonna have to take a worker disguise (the ones with the big hats, they have gloves), to get up to the floor where the safe is, and I’m thinking use an emetic bomb to clear the room before getting the usb. Details will likely differ, because I don’t remember the NPC placement.

good luck man see happens been long since hitman 2016 i failed her in hitman 2 i got spotted on the stupid part and hitman 3 i finaly got her

Correct. It’s simulated somewhat by death barriers that will insta-kill people that pass through them (ie off the side of building in Dubai), but no actual fall damage exists.


A good way to clear the security Rm is to take a loud gun into 204 (or is it 304? Whichever it is - it has a lethal poison vial in the bathroom). Shoot the gun in there at least once. I don’t know if firing it twice will make a difference, but that should get almost everyone out of that Rm.

I did it and only had one straggler, but was still able to get the safe open because they were far enough away to not see me.

I say do it inside the Rm WITH the door open. I don’t recommend doing it outside the door by the window since that seems to get you spotted by people in the lobby.


Edit: BUT… Will that let you do it Suit Only? :thinking: Good question.


You don’t need the safe key at all. For some reason opening the safe is illegal even with the key, so it’s better to bring a lockpick than a banana, unless 47 goes hungry somehow :x


This was my test run at getting the USB suit only The Warlord USB - YouTube
obviously if i were doing both objectives i’d have the key already, but this thread made me want to try it, I think i’ve got a solid enough strategy for killing the target suit only, i’ll try and join both parts up, but 1 mistake :sweat_smile:


just move towards the edge and …drop

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