My thoughts went to Men In Black, where Will Smith is part of the candidate test. Dragging the heavy metal table across the floor back to his egg chair, all while creating a lot of noise to the displeasure of the other candidates.
I’ve managed to acquire a Hitman collectible, must say that the coverart is incredibly good, the oil colors are pretty solid.
Bought two new workout / everyday tshirts in Ash Grey
and a pair of new straps
Short straps, that are quick and easy to strap around the bar. No more akward fiddling while trying to secure the straps around the bar. Which make them ideal for other more then just deadlift.
Ooh, the box has IOI’s 25th anniversary logo variant too! That’s neat.
They actually made a box just for a download code physically?? I thought if you’d pre-ordered H2 physicsl they’d just give you a slip or a code on your receipt, or even emailed to you later… seems weird, but neat piece of history.
Umm… that box is a little old tho… it says 20 not 25, it’s that old.
Just saying that I randomaly found this box in a used items site and went “wait, that’s a thing?” And got it for myself, pretty cool.
The inconsistent levels of effort for the artwork on these is funny to me. Some of them are really captivating and unique, like New York and Carpathian Mountains, while others like Santa Fortuna and Dubai are clearly just re-using the in-game background images.
Because I clearly don’t have enough games to play already, I picked up one of these:
My first Nintendo console since the N64. I have to admit a big chunk of the appeal was being able to play A Link to the Past and Super Metroid through their online service, but I figured I should probably pick up an actual Switch game to go with it.
If you want any game recommendations, hit up the Nintendo thread if you like. The Switch has some great first party games. Hope you enjoy it.
Ordered this beanie. Supposed to arrive on Friday.
Was hit by an idea to find a waterproof beanie hat, and stumbled across this one.
As they say it’s also windproof and has 3-mode removable led light in it.
So I thought why not. Should be handy in the dark
One of my favourite cult classics for the Super Famicom and later Playstation. Got the worst version of it cause I’m a freak.
One of the few horror scenarios in which all of us could easily escape
It’s kind of funny my local shop puts every Lego set on sale for valentines except the Valentine’s Day themed ones but yeah I bought this because I wanted the Lego Minecraft frog
Bought the Tomb Raider I-III remastered today and it was so nice playing these games again! And I love thst you can switch so easily between the old and the new graphics in game.
The controls are kinda weird though, but maybe it’s because I am playing with a playstation controller? There is a possibility to play with the old controls (which are very painful but I still know them though ) or with new controls which are easier when it comes to running and camera angles but jumping doesn’t work for me
well, guess I have to take the whole nostalgia program and get my thumb on the control pad
PS: I literally cried when the menu popped up and the music started and it was so nice experiencing this feeling I had when I was a kid. So yeah, I can understand why @MrOchoa wants a Codename 47 remaster
I wanted to play this so badly but unfortunately I don’t have internet yet in our new flat
I have to wait until next Monday
We’ll get a Codename 47 Remaster but it’ll be for phones and it’ll include instinct.
That would be the dickest move IO could ever pull