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A deposit box makes more sense though so I’m glad to hear that. I was thinking of those self storage places that are just not so secure looking.

One crew of pure idiots successfully burgled a row of units by breaking one open and then going through the side walls :joy:. They eventually got caught, but I’m sure the stuff was gone.


I stumbled onto this. Fascinating.


I hate orca whales. Never mind scary smart, they’re just plain scary. Of the two species that I wouldn’t mind humanity wiping off the face of the planet, one is orca whales. The other is tarantulas.

Oh c’mon bro! Read that article! They sometimes team up with humans to hunt. They have also saved humans from drowning and other whales from nets. They are just big and powerful but beautiful and interesting as well.


So we’ve wrapped our Fringe Fest show now! That’s very exciting and cool. So proud of all of us involved.

Even cooler is that we managed 80% of the show without one of our main cast members/directors.
Yeahhh when I posed last week about having a great performance, the next day one of us got sick (not covid, but mono) and they had to be bedridden for the rest of the week.
So… mad scramble to cut their part out and re-allocate lines to the rest of us, and we pulled it off! Memorizing totally new content 3 shows into a run is terrifying, but We did it.

And I’m gonna get paid too yeaaah. It’s not gonna be a big payday, but it’s something. Which is awesome.
My first professional paid production, woohoo! :performing_arts:


@zeroyear and @Yacob, none of those points matter. It’s a phobia; it’s an irrational fear that is not based on the idea that they can hurt me. Their very existence frightens me. It’s how my brain is wired, just as it is with anyone with any phobia. All the logical points about how that phobia is not something you need to be afraid of changes nothing. I’m inherently scared, for no reason and beyond all reason, of two animals on this planet, and I don’t care at all what their positive attributes are or how they contribute to the ecosystem, because it’s a fear I can’t control. I simply want them all dead, to make that fear stop.

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I get the reasoning, but why not read about said Orcas at least?

It can’t hurt you through the computer screen, and, well, you could “keep your enemies close” and all that! :laughing:

Trust me, I know all about them.

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Today my parents had to put our family dog to sleep :rainbow: it sucks, because I still have Corona and can’t drive to them, so I’m sitting here being all sad and alone :pleading_face:

She was around 14 years old, we got her as a puppy. She had a huge tumour in her tummy. In January the vet said she has some weeks left, but now it was more than half a year :muscle: RIP Cielo!


oh man, that’s awful. hope you’re okay.


Oh no my heart goes out to you Mini. RIP Cielo

Sounds like she was a real trooper though. Surviving way longer than the docs said so.


So my dad’s got covid.

Poor guy. He’s got a scary powerful cough and covid makes it sound way worse right now.
He is quadruple vaxxed though so he should be okay. Fingers crossed.

Since I’m the only one not working right now, I’ve got to take care of him for this week while everyone is out.
Hope I don’t get it. (Though I did – we all did – interact with him a lot yesterday face-to-face sooo)
I’ve been close a few times now, with my roommate in April and my Sister last month, didn’t get it. Fingers crossed I still don’t get it now.

(And sidenote: I’m glad I did my whole PS4 drive swap yesterday and got it all over with, since he’s taken over the basement now to isolate, rendering the console inaccessible to me for the next 5 days. :stuck_out_tongue:)


Thank you @Screaming_Meat It kinda sucks that I stuck here at home and can’t visit my parents, but it’s okay. We kinda new this would happen someday, we were aware of it. Still hurts, I was 20 when we got her :see_no_evil:

@TheChicken Yes, she was tough! She was small, but she was a warrior :muscle: my parents had another dog who passed away three years ago, he was older and much taller than her but she was the leader :sweat_smile:


I hope your father will be okay and that you will not get it, too! :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


Did my first ever visit to London yesterday.
Accidentally ordered nonrefundable tickets before understanding the extreme heat on Monday-Tuesday.
And in the morning after ordering tickets somehow injured my right leg toe and couldn’t walk properly.
Because of this the first visit turned out a bit blurry (if I can use this word here).
We just decided to walk down the river from Buckingham Palace and walked alongside it to Tower Bridge, crossed it and went back to the coach station.

Not very exciting visit, but when I recover we’ll definitely go there again (and not once hehe) when it will be not so hot there too.
Despite of those 2 things I still enjoyed the city.
Was nice to touch a bit of history :slight_smile:


Both me and my partner have COVID and have been isolating for the last several days.

I’ll let you know if it gets worse, but it seems to be getting better.


Wisdom tooth removal next Tuesday. Epic timing, maybe I’ll eat ice cream and painkillers while playing Ambrose if I’m even in a mood for that. Good thing it’s a rather healthy tooth and I also don’t have to pay shit because I’m a student and we have a mandatory health care fee that covers everything.


A family of bird took my (small) balcony for residence at the start of the month.
They made a nest, a couple of eggs, and two baby birds were born a week ago.
It was quite lovely, I regularly had two or three adults looking after the nest and resting nearby, while the new born grew.

Yesterday, the entire nest died in the heatwave. It’s nature, but now I’m still a bit sad.


I’ve got a trio of grackles that nest in one of my palm trees near my pool. They are evil bastards who dive bomb anyone that gets close because they’re very territorial. If they don’t scare you away with the diving, they sit in a nearby tree and Cackle and Scream the entire time you’re in the pool.


A comission I got of THE MEME from MG Revengeance.