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That’s what my brain thinks when someone acts nice :man_shrugging: why can’t everyone be a dick like most others…


I know the feeling. Wrote a sci-fi short story in high school, seemed like a really cool idea at the time, now seems lame to think back on it. Don’t know how that leads to a podcast, but then again, I wouldn’t even know how to start my own YouTube channel.


I’m happy to hear you chose to move the trip up despite the cost. Japan is fantastic and yea, 10 years is way too long. This will be your “last hurrah” before everything becomes about the kids first steps, football games, school drama plays etc

I hope you two just have the best time ever!



I only know mumpy.

I can Kind of decipher “brown days”, “naumpay” and “shot of” due to the context of the rest of your post.

But “birds wedding day” and “whissgig” have me at a loss :sweat_smile:

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Valentine’s day (i haven’t actually watched a film for that long!)

Means funny or laughable


Hmm, very strange dialect.

Don’t know why you int talk propa n posh like we do dahn souf! :wink:


wiltshire is south west, from my experience people generally are pretty posh there :thinking:



Most people are but there is usually a (no Offence to anyone there) and rich part and a poorer part each with there own dialect, I’m not rich soooo…

Edit: some dialect lines can be crossed by both types so some stuff may difer

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It’s the same as anywhere - Pockets of wealth and affluence surrounded by middle and working class areas


obviously, but more concentrated in the south


South West isnt "The South’ tho

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wiltshire is about as far south as london???

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Oh yeah I know, I was basically making fun of the slightly more nuanced regional differences where London lives in it’s own little self centered “bubble” even to it’s neighbouring counties. (I’m definitely not posh nor have that mindset in the slightest btw)

Ps, Charlie hopefully knows I’m just messing, Wiltshire is a lovely place I’ve visited before, I just genuinely wasn’t too clued up on some of the finer tunings of the regional phrases.

I thought I’d just better clarify that because, ya know… it’s the Internet.

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no thats understandable i just figured you didnt know where it was :sob::sob::sob::sob:

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Yep i actually get that a lot! :sweat_smile:

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Hurt my knee playing Volleyball today, and the wound sorta resembles a “crying evil eye” :thinking:

Dry blood you might not like


Ha, right on time!




Welp, just left work and as I left some poor woman lost her wallet and I’m the unfortunate individual to happen upon it. For perspective I have two jobs. One is my main job and the other is my side job which is a grocery store.

Unfortunately in this case it was the grocery store job which meant there is a constant flow of traffic and people coming in and out especially when they lost the Wallet at the entrance before you enter the grocery store. That being said I was just leaving from my shift and I stumbled upon the wallet.

One thing I do when I happen upon this stuff is check for a ID or Drivers License in the event that they’re still on property. It’s easier to match a face to the lost items in question without asking around if anyone lost it or some random person claims it’s theirs. So since I have a conscience I gave it to the person at Customer Services and told them where I found it.

Sadly this is where it gets complex. I have no clue how long this wallet has been missing and there is a very real chance someone took from it and then left it where they found it. So I’m fearing the whole no good deed goes unpunished thing now where I’m gonna get accused of stealing. While yes we have cameras the Wallet was in a blind spot so who knows.


I wouldn’t worry too much if it was a real criminal they they would have taken the ID as well since they can always use the personal information. If anyone did ask then say the truth, there was no money in it when you found it.

Most security guards don’t care enough and most of them know that the chances of someone returning a wallet being the same person responsible for the money not being there are slim. The only security guards who do care about crime are the ones that are only security because they somehow fail to surpass the shocking low bars it takes to be cleared for police work especially for the US.

I would go insane if I thought about the run-on effects of the stuff I do at my job. Yesterday I got a call from a man whose three year old daughter is stuck in Finland, the NSW State Office sent their passport to the mother’s Estonian address instead of the father’s address in Sydney (We don’t know why, Aus ppts. go to Australian addresses unless special request to be sent overseas) and now it is kind of floating in the aether. Literally all I could do for him is send in a missing in mail request and listen to him get more progressively desperate.

The same day I spent half an hour and made a friend of mine spend half of his appointed mourning break trying to troubleshoot a password reset only to find out we can’t salvage it because she failed the security questions meaning her account was voided.

I have had to tell at least 10 different compelling/compassionate applicants that we can’t make time for their appointment in time for their flights or for funerals so they had to do priority applications. I once had to track an overseas despatch for a woman who was stuck in Iran during the feminist protests. I once had a husband who needed to know how his wife and child could get Australian passports even though they were in Armenia where we have no embassy, I could only tell him they needed to head to Cyprus on their Albanian passports because the alternatives in terms of cheap cost were Russia or Turkey.

I had to reject two passport renewal applicants because their status as pre-1950 orphans meant they couldn’t give me their family name at birth. One of whom was a sovereign citizen who ranted for two and a half minutes before he hung up.

Sometimes shit is out of your very limited capacity to do anything. You have to do the right thing when you can and hope for the best.