What's New....?


A new episido of C.A.R.M.E.L.Ω is coming soon

I got to meet @Franz on my recent trip!!!


So you kicked me to the curb for a new HMF drinking buddy. :sob:

Just joking of course. Looks like y’all had pretty good time. :+1:


a new episido of carmelo is going to be realease today because i just need to edit it


Very pleasant meet-up! I can warmly recommend the experience to anyone potentially crossing paths with Yacob.

Not pictured: shots I haven’t had since my student days.


What a kind thing to say. It’s mutual though. Franz is a genuinely good dude. If you’re in his neighbourhood go meet him for a drink.

Also, I may have forgotten that we did shots until just now. Campari I believe b/c they didn’t have Malort!!!


Seems there’s a bear problem not too far from here :bear:

Don’t recall hearing of bear sightings in these parts before, especially so close to the city :slight_smile:


and the episido of carmelo is realese i hope you like it


So this post is gonna be wholesome and nauseating for some people, but it’s such a foreign feeling to me that I’m genuinely in love with my partner. It’s a very euphoric feeling that I haven’t quite figured out, but it’s also a little scary since this is the first time as an adult where I can see myself with this person forever.

I won’t go into details, but they’ve genuinely improved my life for the better and I can’t possibly thank them enough.


So… I got my work car back! Finally! After 6 weeks of asking other people for favors I finally got a car to do my work with, it was awful being without a car, I wanted to kill someone, everyday, every week, specifically my dumb boss that broke our car, but the great feeling when I got it back, I seriously hugged it, I hugged the car, that’s how happy I was, and yeah, work became significantly easier, because I can finally do it myself and not rely on others.

Yeah, it’s a shitty car but it gets my work done and leaves me with minimum headaches.


My honest reaction:



Me at the zoo is 18 years old now. Y’all know what that means. Yep, it’s now legally allowed to operate the 2019 Viper Rt80 8000lb air Pneumatic Forklift Hatz Diesel Lift Truck, if it gets the legal certification.



Well i forgot to say but the C.A.R.M.E.L.Ω episdo is has been out i going to do a remaster of the video i going to make it more faster but whit less jokes for to make the run more faster


i want to make video essays about video games like red dead redeption 2,hitman its characters and the world of those games and also about other video games like postal 2,fallout new vegas etc… and i will also make video essays of movies too and series like breaking bad but i don’t know if i should use loquendo i don’t want to sound so robotic you know so if you ladies and gentlemen can suggest me a program similar to loquendo that doesn’t sound so robotic and better it would be great and i would be extremely grateful.

and I’m asking for a program similar to loquendo because I don’t want to use text on the screen because you’re not going to be looking at a screen for half an hour straight because you know you have a life and you have bigger priorities than watching a video essay you know.

the video essays are long, although they won’t be longer than 1 hour and if they are, I would upload the other part like chapter 2 of that video essay.

I have adhd and I know that although it is a very interesting topic what they are telling you if they tell it for too long you lose interest and it can even become so tedious that you would only stay to hear the conclusion and you are usually disappointed because the conclusion does not meet your expectations.

also sorry for the long text.


Yeah, my YouTube account is 17 years old… odd to think about :joy:


That means my email account is 27 years old… well, my current one anyway.


:fire: hot 'n crispy bird summer :fire:


The Walgreens by me was gonna close due to theft, but instead just remodelled. You order and pay at the kiosk, then you wait till your number is called while an employee collects the items. They pass them to you at the counter. No theft, it takes employees to run it so no layoffs (it actually appears they have more than they used to have), and they don’t shutter the store. I usually hate kiosks but for now this one is better than the alternative.

They have bank drive up glass window pass through thingies in some of them but not at this one.


Ive been to a drive thru walgreens before in SoCal. Shits wild