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it’s definitely one of my favourites. absolute gem of a game.


Except what kind of assassin rides the slide? LOL

A friend just invited me to be a bridesmaid at her wedding haha. Obviously I said yes. God knows how this is gonna work but i’m up for it


that’s amazing!

we’re getting photos, right?

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Maybe… I’m probably not gonna wear a dress though if that’s what you’re after!!!



My best friend had a female groomsmen. She wore the same dress as the bridesmaids but instead of the colour of the other bridesmaids it was the colour of the groomsmens suit with an accent belt that matched the guys vest/tie. You could wear the suit of the guys but match the colour of the bridesmaids dresses.

Either which way it works I’m sure it’ll be a lot of fun.


Climate change is weird.

It’s late April and it’s snowing. There’s a thin blanket of snow outside tonight. Wow.


Sounds like April to me? Here in Denmark it’s pretty much the wtf month. One week we have 15 degrees the next snow. Two weeks ago we had, Sun, rain, snow and then hail within a hour. I’m just use to it at this point, same thing every year.


I don’t know, I feel the past couple years a lot of our snow disappears after March.

Maybe I’m wrong, but it’s just strange to be seeing snow after 3 weeks of temperatures above zero. It’s like someone accidentally turned the thermostat the wrong way all of a sudden.

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In Germany we say April macht was er will April does what he wants, regarding the weird weather, :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


We have a saying for it too.“Maartse buien en Aprilse grillen”. Nothing to do with BBQing to be clear :slight_smile:

In other news, I got called up to contribute to a promotional video for my work place, trying to get people enthusiastic about starting to work there. It will be shown at people’s first day of work. Just talking about my job and what I love about it. I’m actually a bit nervous about it, because I always think I sound ridiculous in videos. And it will be a first impression for new colleagues, so I might lose face forever!

Think I’ll be taking my cues from Clemens’ roadmap videos. A lot of hand gestures and a cool cap. What else do I need?


And last week it was 16. Of course my sister, the winter baby, is cackling gleefully in the family group chat as we all suffer but come on. I was supposed to get my snow tires off today!

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-saved the phrase for further online discussions.


In about 20 minutes, I’m gonna do an around four-hour performance for the end of my Year 2, Semester 1!

We’re doing a cut version of The Marriage of Figaro (the play,) a cut version of An African Cargo and a devised piece that we’ve worked on for the past month and a half!
Wish me luck!


i had a band rehearsal for the first time in a year!

you have no idea how relieved i feel. musical blue balls is the worst.



Even though I’m not a French speaker, my parents always wished me “merde” before going to an exam. Merde means “shit” in French. It doesn’t make much sense, especially in the context of exams, but apparently the phrase originally comes from the world of live performances such as theatre. People wished the performers a lot of shit, referring to the all the horse shit the audience would bring in on their boots. So wishing you “merde” in this case basically boils down to wishing you a big, but especially captivated, audience for your performance.

Random information mode off


Other languages: *sincere wishing of luck*
French: “you sh!t”
English: “break your legs, loser”

Tbf I don’t know if any other languages have equally weird ones, wouldn’t be surprised if the Germans do :wink:


that’s an ace factoid

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Consider this meme then it’ll make sense.