Which bonus mission would you like to get?

The sect idea sounds good, but it’s already been done in Bangkok.

The train in the Carpathian Mountains. Have it be a passenger train with civilians and with two targets. One the is found in some of the VIP carts while another is randomly selected and wondering about the normal carts and you need to do some investigation to find him / her.


I’d love bonus missions for some of the Hitman 2 levels. I mean, Miami and Santa Fortuna seem like they were practically designed to have half the level shut off for a smaller mission, like the seafront side of Miami and just the town of Santa Fortuna.

My issue is that I wonder if IOI would demand that to play a bonus mission for Hitman 2, you would have to own the respective map already. Cause if that is the case, I think that would probably be a bit of a roadblock in Hitman 3 for the users who don’t have the Hitman 2 Access Pass. Even more so for New York and Haven with the Hitman 2 Gold Access Pass. It makes me think that if that is a problem, we just won’t see any Hitman 2 bonus missions.

Saying that though, I do think there is a decent chance we’re going to get bonus missions for the Hitman 3 levels. I’d be surprised if we don’t get some kind of paid DLC before the end of 2021, and it seems the most likely. But I do really think some Hitman 2 levels would benefit from bonus missions. So to give my list:

  1. Miami seaside section would be good. Use the pier area for something, retheme the Kronstant building for something else.
  2. Santa Fortuna, just utilise the town and maybe construction area too, cut off the bridge and all the tunnels.
  3. Whittleton Creek. Kindof suggested so many times but maybe a nighttime level would work. Personally, I’d love to see the 3 houses that don’t have interiors all be fully furnished and all occupied. It’s something that has always bugged me.
  4. Dartmoor. Sure you could repurpose the house for something, it’s not a very big level.
  5. Berlin. I really like Berlin’s 10 targets, but yeah, I feel like a bonus mission for this would be good to just have the traditional 2 targets.
  6. China. I havn’t played China much so far, but you could probably cut off the ICA portion of the map and reutilise the streets section for something.

I think the chances of Hitman 2 mission remixes is pretty much nil. If they were gonna do it, it would be for the new game with no expectation of you having the older stuff, IMO. That said, of they do some big trilogy re-release for consoles in one package maybe they’d throw in some random ones from across the series.


I absolutely think we’re going to get a trilogy re-release next year, which will basically just a package that has all the Hitman 1, 2, 3 and respective DLC in one package. I don’t know if they’d do something like that where they make a DLC to go along with it, purchased seperately for the fans who own the original Hitman 3.

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I just hope that if they do Bonus missions they will be better than the ones in H2 with proper Mission Stories like Landslide for example.


Tropical party at haven at night. Damn that would be awesome.
Just imagine, lurking from the shadows at some party guests.
Of course some other bonus missions would be great, but this is my first pick.

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Since everything is in Hitman 3 already it would be pretty much a promotional bundle only, but yeah… they did it with Hitman 1, and that’s when we got Patient Zero. The more I think about it, the more possible that is I suppose.


Well, no. What I mean is a re-release that doesn’t require you to buy Hitman 1 or 2 Access Passes, or already own those games. I mean a re-release that includes absolutely everything for anyone who hasn’t bought any of the new Hitman games. Like how a lot of games after a year get a “Game of the Year” edition which just bundles all the DLC in with the game so you don’t have to buy it seperately.

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I know, I just mean you can already have everything inside Hitman 3 so it would only really be a marketing change. Unless you think they’d do a 4th .exe with more changes and upgrades, which I suppose is possible.

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Well, I suppose marketing change would be it. I just think such a thing is inevitable. At this point, it’s become a bit of a meme about how complicated buying the new Hitman games is, I feel like a release in say a year just makes sense for those who havn’t jumped on board yet, not to mention a definitive version of the game that basically becomes to must buy version, and would get ported to future consoles.

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Berlin would be the top of my list. In my opinion, the map suffers from not having enough unique targets so a bonus mission would be great. Especially since it’s a great map.


all what i want -that fuckeing ELEVATORS!

I agree that if there was a bonus mission it should be in Berlin as it didn’t really get any major targets (even tho I still like what was done with it)

But tbh what makes bonus missions more interesting to me is getting use interesting new mechanics. Patient Zero really pushed the boat out with what it tried (Disguising yourself as a target, sniper map, infection mechanic). So in H3 I’d like to see IO play around with the mechanics they’ve introduced: The Camera, Keypads, and Fuse Cells

Also The Stowaway ET introduced an fun mechanic I’m surprised they didn’t use in H3, a target that can change disguises. So if IO could work that in I’d be pleased

Think I’ll let these ideas stew for a bit and see if I can think of a cool bonus mission

  1. Chinese new year in crowded city with no rain something special : D

  2. Night party in the beach maldives was my dream when this chapter just came out : D

  3. Whitelon creek night halloween very potencial i though about this too​:+1::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I think they should better make big city with train station you can came in and big casle like lee hong better than the facility shit. And.more store that will be open with street food could be much cool than facility

Why the fuck would i want elevators instead of levels. Elevators are just a box that carries you up and down and you have to wait. There are no more boring things than elevators. Why is it such a requested feature?


if you think about it, IOI wouldn’t bother to make bonus missions even though their fans are demanding them

Why? they did before


I hope they will make escalation missions and bonus missions and more challanges the game smaller than the others