Why are the unlocks so repetitive in the franchise?

they’ve made it free temporarily a few times, but they would have to make it free permanently and for everyone so that we could do away with mk3 items


Well… that’s not a decision IOI will make anytime soon… I think.

There is a number of way this could have been tackled. I would even agree to one of them right now, even though that would mean I could lose quite a few (handy) replicates.

Remove replicated items for everyone, and all (starting) essentials: Such as lockpick, poisons, and other mk. II & III, and then put them in ICA Training Facility Mastery. Boom. Problem solved, why? Because every game, whether stand-alone or complete trilogy has the ICA Training Facility.

Do this, IO - Strip me for (some) items, and move the entire unlocking procedure to ICA Training Facility Mastery. So that I don’t have to deal with a replicated mess of an inventory.

Haha, I think there are now four different lethal pills, that’s more than you can ever bring in a mission and as an item, it’s basically invisible.

I think we’re at seven Fiber Wire reskins now?