Will they ignore this bug as well?

The splitter update has introduced a bug where every single flamingo in Miami has its body missing.

I have already filled a ticket however , months ago I have also filled a ticket regarding the bug in Mendoza where you can freely roam the mansion area if you are wearing the midnight suit. This bug was never fixed.

So what is the chance they will completely ignore this one too ?

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Maybe it’s not a bug, maybe it’s a feature


Prove it then. I can say the same about the flamingo thing.

Let’s be honest, those flamingos were ridiculous to begin with. If this is a first step towards their complete deletion this is good news!


I said maybe.
But why would they allow roaming the mansion in one single suit, not in all suits, let’s say that flamingo one for example

:warning: Flamingo hater detected :warning:

It’s a joke, don’t hate me for that :slight_smile:


B-b-but dont you remember Blood Money?? It was soooo funny in Blood Money, remember? When 47 had this Bird Costume, it was so funny, remember??


Move over, bird brain! There’s a new ha ha funny meme costume in town!


Because it’s a bug obviously.

Don’t forget that game has features also

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Irrelevant , I’m talking about a bug , not a feature.

Discussion reminds me of this huge bug I encountered in Bangkok

Suffice to say they did not fix it either.


Still waiting for proof of the previously mentioned bug not being a bug.

Honestly, while I don’t get how this bug has ever made it into the game, and while we will probably never know… I don’t mind this sticking around for a little while. If only to be able to see what it looks like when Flamingo 47 tries to ride a dolphin like a surfboard when he doesn’t have any legs!

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There should be a way to cause this… bug to come over and randomly start devouring NPCs (including 47) out in the open including the roof.

Has anybody’s “Flamingo bug” been fixed after the update?

Doflamingo bug is fixed, but the black bar near dolphin fountains isn’t.

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