Year 5 (2025) Speculation

How about a Purple Electrocution Phone?



Thatā€™d be hilarious. That ā€¦or a purple Explosive Phone.


I do expect the green egg will be unlocked sometime (probably at Easter), considering the question of power creep is behind us now and the green grenade and durian are available.

Again, if they ever make the red egg availableā€¦ that will be stupid. (Unless for balance they have it void SA, but please, you didnā€™t get this bright idea from me, I really donā€™t want that item in the game.)


Axwage makes a good point above me.

We need a Purple Egg! It causes all NPCs in the vicinity to vanish from existence!

Silent Assassin, Cruel God. :star::star::star::star:

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A long time ago I had a dream where there was a new elusive target who was literally just Agent 47 and he was chilling in the ICA facility wearing Chongqing default outfit. I guess that dream has become half real as of yesterday.

I hope your dream becomes even more real.


You know despite not wanting a red egg insta-poison throwable kill, I do want them to un-nerf the Molotov and bring it back to its initial properties.

I also REALLY hope for the Molotov in Freelancer. Likeā€¦ why isnā€™t the most fun SA-voiding weapon in the most SA-unnecessary game mode? Come on yā€™all.

In addition to a snowy facility map, I also equally want a ā€œstraight to Freelancerā€ button in the UI so that it doesnā€™t take 3 clicks or whatever. I would say I want those two things exactly equally. Thatā€™s how much the UI annoys me in this otherwise lovely game.


If were talking purple reskins:

Id love a purple sieker. We have 3 kalmers, but only 1 sieker. Another one would be sick (pun intended).

A purple egg with flashbang/blinding properties. Relatively long duration.


How about we stop with the purple crap altogether and move on to something more meaningful. Or at least change to a different color. Letā€™s get those other streak suits. We canā€™t even use this stuff in Freelancer!


Honestly the things i mentioned dont have to be purple unlocks. Its just a few of the items ive been wanting for a long time for gameplay reasons


The reason theyā€™re purple is due to being tied to Twitch, which color isā€¦ And you just have to watch the right channel playing the right game for a long enough time. So for them to ā€œstop with the purple crapā€ is to not provide a Twitch related unlock.

Seems like thereā€™s another gaming/streaming site, nowhere near as popular as Twitch. Its main color is yellowā€¦ :thinking:

If the mere color wasnā€™t (somehow) a draw towards those items - they should at least provide an extra or special perk, not just be a reskin to take up more room in our already stuffed inventory of things to choose from.

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BTW @Joe9411 did you archive this yet?

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I would love a coupe of explosives that are in niches that IO havent done yet:

  • Sticky Breaching Charge and other sticky explosives. Essentially explosives that when you throw at a wall instead of rolling or falling they stick immediately to the surface
  • A Mini Breaching Charge and a Concussive breaching charge. Iā€™ve found the micro explosiveā€™s range a bit too risky for a lot of my strats and think it would be cool to have some non-detectable but very small explosives in order to activate stuff like propane flasks and the new oil canister
  • Proximity and remote micro concussive devices. Same principle as the above, iā€™d like a very small way to knock people out without having to hide the explosive from being seen
  • Proximity concussive ducks. This is specifically for luring people but without having to be there to activate it. Would be neat

I wouldnā€™t mind a ā€œtracker dart gunā€ where you could use it to track NPCs you hit with it. Put an icon above their head or something so that you can see where they are, even if theyā€™re ages away.

Would be handy for target guards that you distract away and have no idea where they are once theyā€™re out of instinct range. Or another NPC that you want to be able to easily find later (ie an assassin or lookout in Freelancer).


I would like to have:

  • cut missions ā€œThe Brothersā€ and ā€œMethlabā€, and other cut Elusive targets
  • The Wildcard
  • The Disruptor reskinned
  • New bonus missions (there are interesting targets as Po family, Byron Washington, Jiao, the killers Corvo Black and Zana Kazem, Moreno drug cartel, Church of Ascendants, Amos Dexter, Florida robot killers, the other Providence ket members, Al Ghazalis, Crystal Dawn)
  • Kandayang missions
  • New sniper missions (maybe even remaking sniper missions of the two mobile games)
  • New seasonal missions: Chinese new year for Chongqing, Halloween or Christmas for Whittleton Creek, Easter for Sapienza (italian easter celebration could be very interesting) and other national celebrations
  • A Safehouse mission
  • The serial killer photographer of the first trailer in 2016
  • Suits from the previous games
  • Grey 47 (from ghost mode) suit and, why not, a tribute mission to ghost mode with Grey 47 and Mark Chase as targets);
  • A bonus missions with the Vampire Magician as a target (with the possibility to get his suit)

I know itā€™s just my fantasy and all or almost all these things will be never realized, but let me dream


Like others, Iā€™m still hoping for bonus missions (namely Chongqing utilising the city parts) and/or a new map/mission (South Africa for the Ether angle).

Seeing how things have gone in the past two years though, Iā€™ll start with wishing for the black ninja suit unlock, a proper unique model for the Fusil X2000 Stealth, all the Sniper Assassin rifles used by 47, Stone, and Knight (we only got the winter Druzhina so far), return of the Electrocution Phone, and whatever stuff there is in the files that could/should have been available by now (including funky stuff like the shotgun with incendiary ammo from the Alpha).

Oh and more frequent patches. Seriously, the current rate of bug fixing has been insultingly slow.

Whatā€™s the point of a new mode if they canā€™t even properly upkeep/update the last one? :confused:

Yeah, back at the end of Year 2, I was hoping we might eventually get a Chongqing bonus mission, or a Patient Zero-style mini campaign, or even a full-blown new map/main mission. Alasā€¦

Meanwhile, Kev and co. have produced the Chongqing Noodle Massacre (2 versions), Freelancer variations and Time of Day mod, sandbox Hantu Port and the Vector, the Brothers and Meth Lab missions, Cuba and Yacht as proper missions, and a proper Train mission. Seriously, if IO donā€™t feel like working on these things themselves, maybe they should take cue from other companies, consider actually cooperating with modders and work towards introducing these as regular contentā€¦ :confused:

Glad to know Iā€™m not alone. This one is way overdue and I donā€™t wanna wait another year. They should add it around the Snow Festival time or Chinese New Year at latest.



It should be nice. Iā€™d like a mission where the target is a killer called ā€œBlack Ninjaā€. When we completed it, we get the Black Ninja Suit


A ninja could make for a really Elusive Targetā€¦
Maybe a similar thing the to the Envy escalation where they are trying to assassinate someone and you have to get to them first.


Im 99% sure H3 will never be multiplayer but imagine 2 players on separate maps but competing against each other to get the highest mission score


I love the tracking dart ideaā€¦ :grinning:

Hey look they eventually put the challenges in numerical order so hey, anything is possible.


Console mods supportā€¦ we neeeeed console modsā€¦ :pleading_face::tired_face: