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How one can hate pizza?


The crust is the satisfying end to a pizza, IMO.

However, only if it’s cooked to perfection. Crunchy, but with a fluffy enough inside.

Overcooked, very hard crust is just not good :tired_face:
Because in that part, it’s the pizza toppings itself that are best (cheese and pepperoni please)

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Kevin McCalister? Nice to meet you :slight_smile:


I hate a pizza that skimps on the sauce, and it has to taste right and be fresh. If it’s not fresh (or just a bit old, but not expired -obviously) then I usually get indigestion. I used to prefer thin crust, now I’m into hand-tossed. The greasy pan pizzas would be my last choice. Toppings? If only a single item then pepperoni. From there I’d then choose jalapenos or those small round pork sausages. I don’t care for the larger chunkier sausage pieces. I’ll still eat 'em, but they seem like a hassle. I might pick them off and eat them so they don’t interfere with my pizza eating experience. The same goes for pineapple. I don’t hate it, I just find it annoying and it clashes with the rest of the pizza, even if it is “Hawaiian”.

Then there are calzones. Typically filled with cheese and one or more other items. Pepperoni is typical. And of course, it’ll need a nice swimming pool of sauce to be dunked into. :laughing:


Fully respect your position, but there is one place where I would draw the line: Cheese Little Cesar’s. Might as well just spread some tomatoe sauce over a slice of bread and sprinkle some cheese on top of it. Or perhaps some cardboard. Everyone else is usually pretty good about their cheese pizzas.

I’m originally from Chicago, and that means Deep Dish.
It also means I have to leave this right here (again).


I have only ever tried deep dish while in Texas, so I haven’t been able to find some proper representatives of it. But what I have tried as been a delight.


There are a few places in Texas to get a real Chicago pizza, but yeah, you gotta get to Chi-town sometime for it. Arizona was a pizza wasteland for a long time, but we’re getting better down here.

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All this talk about pizza is making me hungry and it’s 20 to 4am :laughing:


My God you eat pizza the same way my brother does, he just goes straight to the calzones after some time because absolutely no human on Earth can jump through enough hoops consistently enough for him to bother.

On a personal level I just can’t stand too much sauce, I already have it in for tomato sauces and too much either makes it taste to herby or to acidic for me, it takes away from the cheese and toppings. I am glad pizza places are realizing you don’t need traditional ragu or passata for pizzas.



Jon Stewart rant:

(Please tell me using it for warmth like a tauntaun is real?) :crossed_fingers: :joy:

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I like my pizza how I like my women: Hot, Ready and… cut into slices. Wait…


Which games have you preferred / played the most?

  • Western video games
  • Eastern / Japanese video games
  • A bit of both

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I couldn’t provide an example of an “Eastern/Japanese” video game I’ve ever actually played, come to think of it.


Super Mario Bros., I think we all played it when we were kids :slight_smile:


I guess I did play that back in 85 or so. I know that I never played any of the follow-ups to it though. My little brother had a Nintendo 64 and he had whatever Mario game came with that but I never played it. I wasn’t thinking of the old 80’s stuff. I was thinking more along the lines of the Final Fantasy series or Yakuza or something - neither of which I’ve ever played.


Which suit type do you use on Ambrose Island?

  • Classic
  • Formal
  • Coats
  • Casual
  • Tactical (Either Wetsuit)
  • Tactical (Not Wetsuit)
  • Themed
  • Deluxe
  • Deadly Sins

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I’m using the Colorado suit.


Absolution suit w gloves :ok_hand:


I only use the Black Dragon if I have the option to pick a suit. If I ever manage to unlock the Colorado suit with the hat, I’ll probably switch to that though as the hat is Aces.


But it needs gloves!