Official Community Created Contracts - 47's Birthday (September 2023)

Contract ID: 2-13-3811782-56
Platform: PS4
Submitter name: ambusher55
Location: Mumbai
Contract Title: 47’s Gift Shopping

I have plans for 47’s birthday. I am shopping for the gifts, and here is my list:

  1. Cloth Fabric for a Suit
  2. Casual Cloth Fabric
  3. Formal Shoes
  4. Snacks and Fruits

Brief Description:

  • 4 Targets
  • Any method for killing
  • Any disguise
  • No complications
  • Birthday Shopping is the theme - Shop owners of the items in the shopping list.

Useful Notes:

  • A bill board on top of a target
  • A target goes to smoke
  • A target goes to his house
  • Fourth target is a difficult one
Image Suggested (also Target location)