Official Community Created Contracts - 47's Birthday (September 2023)

Contract ID: 1-04-8420021-10

Platform: PC, EGS

Submitter name: bgyorok

Contract Title: To The Good Old Times!

47 is currently celebrating his birthday! He’s getting old, isn’t he? Sure, he might miss the job after retiring, but at least he can finally rest. So many memories!

You know what? A birthday cake isn’t enough as a celebration. Maybe he should be put to the test in Sapienza, where he can also drink wine, enjoy the music and have a killing time!
Let’s raise our wine glasses and savour these moments! To the good old times!

Brief Description:
5 targets, no elimination methods, disguise restrictions or complications. 3 of the targets stay around the pier, and 2 go between the pier and the market area, so it is advisable for speedrunners to do something with them early on. I went for something simplistic and picked targets that aren’t too straightforward but not really a puzzle.

Location: Sapienza, Landslide

Featured Contract Image Suggestion: Picture of some of the wine bottles/glasses around the wine-tasting area.