Official Community HOT SCOPE Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-24-1858286-82
Platform: Steam
Submitter name: Casetros


You are standing in the face of a clock, surrounded by the bodies of unconscious guards. You are staking out your next targets, awaiting the perfect moment to strike. You have them in your scope, but you must wait for their one moment of solitude.

Your mission, 47, is to stop a murder. A group of employees at Milton-Fitzpatrick are planning to assassinate CEO Athena Savalas by using a poisoned letter. You must eliminate these targets from a distance to ensure you are not poisoned too.

Brief Description:
The only exit available is the CEO exit, which ensures that the player needs to at least pass by the clock window in order to complete the level. This is to encourage them to shoot from the window. I picked these three targets because all of them are around one other person. This makes it tricky to kill them, but very possible. From my playing, the janitor can just be shot normally and no one will notice, the guard can only be killed at a very specific time in his cycle, and the investment banker needs to be lured away. Of course there are other ways to solve this contract, but it demands diversity of strategy.

Location: New York

And Featured Contract Image suggestion (we’ll add an image in-game, to make it look awesome):