Official Community HOT SCOPE Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-33-4878996-07

Platform: PC / Epic Games Store

Submitter name: evan_online

Contract Title: Raging Hot River Shots

Briefing: The Spirit of the River (your client) demands the blood of those who dare think a river is a good place for a photo op or idle chitchat. Let the rivers run hot with blood… but make it quick, or the river will claim YOU, Agent 47!

Brief Description: Wanted to make a quick and snappy one. There’s a fairly generous mandatory time limit of 5min 4sec, all bodies hidden, and a mandatory “hide all bodies” complication. The idea is to snipe the three targets from the bushes and land their bodies in the river, hiding them, but the third one requires you to run up and manually dump him. An additional, optional complication is “All shots fired at NPCs must be headshots” just for fun.

Location: Dartmoor (Garden Show)|

picture suggestion:

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