Official Community HOT SCOPE Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID:1-28-2080407-29


Submitter name:Hamushi

Contract Title:Furuhata Nin47rô

There is a technical term in mystery called “armchair detective”. That is, the detective solves the case by deduction alone, without ever stepping outside the room.
If I were to describe it in the same way, this story would be the “armchair murderer”. It is the story of a man who tried to accomplish the perfect crime without ever stepping into the crime scene.

Brief Description:
What is the perfect assassination? There are many interpretations of this question.
One answer I would offer is to eliminate the target by making it look like an accident. And if you can do it without getting close to the crime scene, no one will suspect you.
Sniper rifles make it possible. That is exactly why this contract was submitted to the HOT SCOPE thread.


Image suggestion:
There are two types of proposals.