Official Community Bootleg & Buccaneers Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-12-7553283-10
Platform: PC, EGS
Submitter Name: Bgyorok
Contract Title: X Marks The Spot
Argh, matey! So ye want to be a pirate? Then you’ve got to find the secret of Santa Fortuna: The Sacrificial Knife!
First, ye gotta steal the shop key from a friend o’ mine: he will be down by ye old pub drinkin’ away! Take the golden statue and put on yer “initiate” outfit: The Shaman outfit! Find the cave and pray to yer gods that you avoid those pesky “booby traps”, me boy! Spill the blood of an old friend who abandoned the pirate life (a true pirate doesn’t bring his own knife)!
Good luck!
Brief Description: A simple 1 target contract whose primary goal is the secret tunnel in the caves. Of course, someone could bring the sacrificial knife with them (speedrunners/“fool’s gold” pirates), but either way, you must get through the cave at least in one playthrough of SF. If someone does decide not to go for the one in the caves, the contract will be a bit more difficult because of where the target is.
Location: Santa Fortuna
Featured Contract Image Suggestions:
47 in The Shaman disguise looking at the sacrificial knife