Official Community Bootleg & Buccaneers Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract Title: Davy Jones Locker
Contract ID: 2-11-7758567-09
Platform: PS4
Submitter Name: Steynkie69
Location: Miami

Tremble in yer boots and shiver me timbers, for thisss…is the ghost of Davy Jones speaking! Three of yer crew members went treasure huntin’…now them basterds have desecrated me watery grave! I want revenge matey, or yer ship shall be cursed! Find them, dump them in the sea…and seal them in the Davy Jones Locker…

Explode 3 targets and dump them in the sea…which is one big container, called the Davy Jones Locker in Pirate terms. According to legend, Davy Jones was the Captain of the ghost ship, “The Flying Dutchman” which is doomed to roam the seas forever, and his “Locker” is the watery grave that pirates go to when they die. I based this contract around my favorite explosive gadget, and it highlights the brilliance of that unique explosive, but any explosives will do the trick. I tested it several times, and it works 100% every time. No glitches were used. SA can be achieved in 3 mins.

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