Official Community Bootleg & Buccaneers Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]




A Taste of Piracy

Good day, 47. Today you will eliminate the three leaders of a notorious pirate gang known as “The Kindlers”. Our client, Quinton Lint, C.E.O. of Green Gem, was the victim of their latest raid, stealing millions of dollars worth of gold and silver. The three leaders have infiltrated the Himmapan Hotel to assassinate Ken Morgan to steal most of his fortune. One last thing, though. Mr. Lint has asked you to give them a taste of piracy in their final moments. I will leave you to prepare.

47 has to kill 3 people, two in the basement, one following Ken Morgan (trying to kill him). You need to bring the Black Almond’s Dagger along, along with ye trusty flintlock (pistol).

Bangkok, Club 27

I had a few images, but they are gone. All it was was the Krugermier 2-2 (Bangkok mastery lvl 20 edition) and the Black Almond’s Dagger next to each other.

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