Official Community Created Contracts - EASTER 🐰 (March 2023) [CLOSED]

Alright, I’m back

Contract ID: 4-03-4624999-31

Platform: Nintendo Switch

Submitter name: EpicGamerer

Contract name: The Eggs-tremists [sounds like extremists, geddit?]

Briefing: 47, it seems like war is breaking out over Easter. On one side is the delivery company Eurosped. They believe that Easter is all about yummy chocolate eggs and profits and have sent 2 agents to Sapienza to convert the church. On the other side is Padre Francesco and his church goons, They believe that Easter is a time only for prayer and have planned to take out the Eurosped agents. Take out both sides to end this war.

Brief description: Take out the 2 delivery men as a church staff dude then take out the priest and some other guy as a delivery man using several cool methods :sunglasses:.Edit: Hol’ up I should probably add an image too huh
Targets -

Objectives -

Took pics of my switch because I’m too lazy to transfer again like the image suggestion.

Location: Sapienza (normal mission)


Let’s hope I get this contract featured after my 3 month hiatus (my version broke in September until Freelancer update :sob:).