Official Community Created Contracts - EASTER 🐰 (March 2023) [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-24-4023189-67

Platform: PC (Epic)

Submitter name: Phylocode

Contract Title: Golden Bunny’s Boomstick

Briefing: Somewhere in Fairy Tale Land. “Every year it’s the same, the humans disrespect me and wrap chocolate idols of my likeliness in golden foil and hand them out to be consumed by children!” “Well, if they love gold so much, my avatar will give them their fill—literally!”

(Tip: To obtain the Golden Bartoli, take all gold bars from the vault while disguised as the Bank Robber)

Brief Description: Kill 4 targets with the golden shotgun while disguised only as the bank robber.

Location: New York

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