About the disruptor removal

I’m not here to discuss about the reason why it was removed. I understand this choice, and I have no problem with it.
I didn’t buy the dlc, because I came back on the game recently, and it was already removed.
The issue is that I’m currently running for 100% completion of all in game challenges (not steam achievements), and disruptor related challegnes are still here.
So it means that I will not be able to complete my 100% goal, because I will never be able to reach 100% on sgail map. After more than 400h of gameplay, it’s a bit hard to hear.
What do you plan to do about that ? Will you remove properly all disruptor related content from the game in next patch ? Or at least, will you remove related challenges ?
Could we have any statement about this topic please ? Thx !


Even IF IOI removed the challenges related to The Disruptor (they won’t), you still wouldn’t be able to get 100% completion in the Steam version because of any Elusive Targets you missed (I’m not even talking about The Disruptor ET event that ended early about two weeks early).

As far as I’m aware, Year 1’s Elusive Targets were never playable on the Steam version (and therefore their Challenges were never earnable) due to the Epic exclusivity for the first year of Hitman 3’s release.

You also said you came back to the game recently - which means any Elusive Target challenges you didn’t do between the time you last played and now would also be challenges you can’t do unless they do a Rerun of those ETs.


I think it’s likely that they’ll rework the mission down the road with a different look for the target and make the ET Arcade available to everyone again. But only time will tell when that happens (and it might not).


Elusive target challenges have their own category. What I want to complete is each map challenges, where elusives target are not counted, but arcade yes. The only one not reachable currently is disruptor arcade one for what I know.
And we can see they removed it quick in dirty in the fact that in arcade listing, it’s still here, and when you click on it, you have proposal to buy it, which lead to steam not existing anymore link.
I really hope they will fix that in a way or another, cause the way the removal is done currently feels really clunky.


OP isnt talking about that stuff I don’t think.
They are likely talking about the completion percentage for the locations (Seen in career or destinations tab).

Elusive target challenges do not count for destination completion. But arcade challenges do. And the only way to complete the arcade challenges for the celeb arcades was to own the dlc and beat the arcade, or beat the arcade when the celeb arcades were available for everyone for free.


We don’t know the plans of IOI about that target and its content yet :frowning:
Still looking forward to a solution :+1:

I highly doubt that they will remove/change how percentage of challenge completion is calculated. Mainly because when the 7 Deadly Sins DLC released, that added a bunch of FOMO for completionists as the percentages for challenge completion got updated for all of the maps, regardless of whether you purchased the actual DLCs or not. In an ideal situation, the percentage of the challenges would remain at 100% if the game personally detected whether your IOI account has not bought the respective DLC packs, but unfortunately it doesn’t work like that.


Wouldn’t be unprecedented for them to change it.

At one stage during H2016, the Elusive Target challenges counted towards completion of a location - so if you ever missed one, or didn’t get SA, you were locked out of 100% completion on the location forever. At least until they eventually changed it.


I’m gonna be optimistic and hope they’ll just rework the mission and add it later this year, especially since they did that for the trinity pack and they’re on the freelancer wall.

Also the reason for the removal isn’t something like the H1 exclusive items (the coin and the suit) which they want to keep exclusive (at the time of writing) but it’s related to irl stuff, so things are a little more complicated and needs to be changed/there’s probably a contract before they can re-list it.


I’ll certainly be holding my optimism candle! I did buy the DLC as a bundle all the way back then as I was keen to play the content and try out the new items but for those players who haven’t bought it, and who choose not to, it would be a nice QoL update.

I still remember how angry we were when the DLC first dropped. Season of Greed flashbacks :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Seven deadly sins flashbacks…yeesh… I do own the disruptor dlc. I highly doubt they are going to make any concession or adjustment.

Having been a late comer to the game. I only started playing a year ago with 600+ hrs in the game. I have just accepted that there are some things I cant complete. Early ETs that wont release again etc. Some levels may contain components as well, I just do the best I can and don’t let it bother me.

Best of luck though, in how it works out. I see a lot of IOI’s move forward as moving more into a monetizing market as many companies are. Its more profitable and thats good for the developing company. They also have a heavy foot forward mindset atm it would seem. So making a lot of adjustments to hitman seems unlikely.

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I hate games that do not allow NOVICES/Casual Users an opportunity to SAVE their position. IOI must be made to realize that not ALL are EXPERTS/Advanced (as they deserve/expect to be if they play it for years). This absolutely both discourages & turns off someone who wants a chance to be able to play for years (ex. me at age 78). Shouldn’t we be allowed to do so as in other games (ie. Assassination 3).

@Jerry_Montalbano I completely understand where you are coming from. I have about 600 hrs in the game and still considerate myself a barely competent intermediate player. The normal game does allow saves whenever you want. Its only when you move into escalations, elusive targets, and freelancer. Where the game changes the dynamic. Some coming with restrictions on game play, a lack of ability to save, and consequence to the player. These modes are meant to be more challenging and punishing/fun. Forcing you to react in the moment as opposed to a planned out series of responses.

Don’t get me wrong, I have had my fair share of shouting at the PC. Its just the way it is though, and the rules are not going to change. The normal game play as well as the addition of the elusive target arcade. Does allow players additional opportunities to have attempts. They previously did not have. So in many ways the game has softened up quite a bit, as well as so many equipment additions. Some of which are game breaking ie durian and blue egg, fire cracker (whatever thats called) etc.

Hope this helps, as its a great game. Sometimes I even hang it up for awhile and take a long break.


Thank you grolent for your post.
I feel you a 100%!
I hope IOI is going to update all that mess.

I left the game for a few years and now that I’m back at it, I love the fact that I have a fresh challenges to catch up.
But they taint it because of some time limited bullsh*t.
I was even dumb enough to consider buying some poor DLC just to get a clean sheet.
Now they prevent me to give them more money for pixels?!
It makes me too aware of my gullibility lol. All this investment for that?!

If I knew that IOI was going to use this kind of business plan… I wouldn’t have touched Hitman again.

I really hope that it is a mistake and that they are going to straighten it out.
Not everybody is 24/7 following the hype, not everybody is 14 years old.
I love the game because of its “mature” feeling, but I’m not sure which route it’s taking now.

They can put out any crazy funky DLC they want for limited time only, as long as they deliver a chance to those who don’t care, to complete their challenges, it would be fair.

Thank you for puting your finger on the problem.
We can’t let it slide through like it’s nothing.

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To me they should maybe do this:

Replace him with young JCVD model, have it take place prior to the splitter as a prelude.

Change the items to Belgium kettlebell, and make other items and suits more JCVD themed.