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Yeah I know what you mean, the feel it has to it when your playing, a touch of genius when they made it.

I’m sure we’ll know after tomorrow :blush:

I have been avoiding all spoilers so I’m speculating more than most, but no, I do not think Sapienza will be unseated as the top map. WoT, Icon, Author, and Landslide. In my opinion that’s 3 amazing levels and one really good one. The atmosphere is captured so well. It really feels like a functioning little town. If the H3 maps are all 1/2 as good as sapienza then I’d say we have an awesome game coming to us (=

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I don’t know what to do. Game launches tomorrow. I won’t be able to play until night time. By then most of you will have completed the game. Spoilers won’t last much longer and I usually do not rush through the games. Most often I will play a level over and over then move on. With that approach it could take weeks or months to complete the game.

I may just log out for awhile.


I’d recommend quickly going through all the missions just once then so you can still stick around and be immune to all spoilers :+1:

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Thinking the same. I don’t want to rush through it, but also don’t want to miss out on all the discussion on the forum

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Go through once for the story. Then go back and play each one over and over. This isn’t for your sake mind you, it’s for ours. That way we don’t have to miss out on all the good food while you stay away :joy:

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In preparation of the wrapping up of the story, can someone (to the best of their ability) explain to me the power dynamics of the main members of Providence we know of? I was very confused in Hitman 2 with the ever-increasing number of Providence Top-Level Leaders, since whenever there was a big-wig we had to kill, there was always someone bigger right after that.

We’ve got:

  • The Constant (a “controller” for the organization, regularly revolves as new people replace old ones)
  • The Chairman/woman/people (the Washington twins. They’re high up on the chain, but not the top?)
  • The Ark Society (a group of top-level people in the organization?)
  • The Partners (These are the head-honchos of the whole group, right? We’ve been chasing them for years but I still have no clue who or why they’re so important)

Also, could someone maybe clarify for me 47 and Grey’s backstory at the orphanage? Seemingly, this is the place where they made clone babies and raised them to be super-killers. But, along the way, Lucas and 47 developed a bond and vowed to escape. Seems Lucas did, but not 47, and he had his memory wiped. That’s all I got about their past together. That right?

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Okay I’ll try to explain best I can

The Constant is like the CEO of Providence, he’s the one pulling all the strings. But at the end of the day he’s just an ‘employee’ of Providence

The Partners are like the shareholders, they’re the ones who’ve invested all the money in Providence and have meetings to discuss what it’s doing with The Constant. But don’t have direct control of the organisation. They’re technically the bosses

However in the last cutscene of H2 we learn The Constant used the Partners faking their deaths to double cross them and transfer all of their assets to him. So now he has all the real power and is basically a one man Providence.

As for the chairwoman/Ark Society. That’s technically a different organisation that’s created by Providence members (originally Janus, the old Constant). Therefore it has a lot of Providence members in its midst but isn’t technically a part of Providence. It’s an organisation of wealthy people around the world collaborating to try and survive the end of the world (despite them causing it with fossil fuels).

The chairwomen are the leaders of the Ark Society and are high ranking Providence Members, two separate but interlinked things.

So basically all you need to know for H3 is Constant is bad man :joy:

As for Grey and 47. They grew up together, 47 sacrificed himself to let Grey escape. Grey became a mercenary and eventually found out about Providence and dedicated his life to destroying them. There’s not a whole lot there, but I’m just boiling it down

Hopefully that’s cleared at least something up :sweat_smile: hope for the most part what I’ve said is accurate


Very good points well made there! I love how pretty much all of us share the same opinion on Sapienza :grinning:

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Okay, cool! That clears things up a lot, thanks.

And 47 and Grey are hunting down the Partners to
(A:) Take down Providence and their manipulation of the current world order,
and (B:) Get revenge on the people who imprisoned, experimented, and tortured them as children.

Now, I don’t know much Hitman lore before the events of 2016, but Providence also had a hand in creating 47 and his clone brethren, right? Ort-Meyer, Ochoa, whatever-the-hell the “godfathers of the clones” were, I dunno – it is now known (or, ret-conned in) that Providence worked with these 5 scientist people to create clone killing machines.

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Yeah, they’ve retconned that Providence funded Ortmeyer’s experiments :grimacing: not sure I’m a fan of that tbh

Nah the five father’s weren’t scientists (except Ortmeyer) they were basically just Ortmeyer’s mates who were as into the idea of supersoldiers as he was :sweat_smile:


Thats like the worst crime in the history of RetCons.

They gave their DNA and they funded the Project.
I’d like to think that 47 got his traits from them:

Ortmeyers Intelligence
Lee Hongs lack of conscience
Ochoas Stamina
Boris’ Greed

and most important: Frantz’ Nose, hes a handsome devil.


Alright, cool cool. Good to know. Thank you.


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It doesn’t seem so. The map here shows Rotterdam is the only location he visited in Netherlands.

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Anyone got this as a proper image please?

I don’t know where to ask and I didn’t wanted to open a new thread but can someone tell me where I can see that digital book? I ordered the deluxe edition of Hitman 3 but I can’t find it. Neither the Soundtrack. I play on PS4.

Both of them are not yet included in Deluxe Pack. They might come later. :slightly_smiling_face:

Fortunately/Unfortunately, the Art Book and Soundtracks are a separate thing for console owners. According to the launch blog post, you need to check your IO Account for access to the downloadable files.

The only difference between the two editions is the Deluxe Pack , which includes 6 Deluxe Escalations, in-game suits, items and weapons, a digital soundtrack for each game in the World of Assassination trilogy, an introduction to each HITMAN 3 campaign mission by the Game Director and a digital artbook that highlights the characters, targets and missions included in the trilogy. A free IOI Account is required to download the digital soundtracks and World of HITMAN Art Book.

I assume it’s the same way they distributed that “Birth of Hitman” free issue. Just log on, and you should have access somewhere…

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Thank you! I will take a look than :relaxed:

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Good luck! I checked earlier and didn’t find anything under my “rewards” tab. However, I hadn’t yet started and registered Hitman 3 yet, so maybe that’s why the Deluxe content didn’t pop up.

I’m still trying to get online in the main game, so I can’t check yet if that solves it

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