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I went to edit a post today. HMF said something along the lines of “this post has been edited by another user and you can’t edit it.”

Only the post didn’t appear to be changed by anyone and it was only a few seconds after I originally posted it. I was able to delete it though so I’m just totally confused. Anyone know what’s going on there?

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I experienced this once or twice on the old forum.
I think relogin or reopren the browser fixed the thing.

Maybe this is some kind of spam protection delay.
I guess waiting a bit also could be a cure. Up to 30-60 seconds should be enough


That makes sense. Thank you. I nearly always post from my mobile phone and despite all my efforts there invariably are spelling and grammar errors in every one of my posts :joy:.

That’s a usual situation for me when I try to post from mobile.
I try to correct them while composing a message though.
But sometimes something going missing and I still need to edit the post :slight_smile:
So I know how it feels


What’s up with Hakan and golden helicopter? Does he owe one or is it a joke on how rich he became with Hitman series?


It’s known by now that he owns several golden helicopters along with many other extravagant and exotic things. You can find a lot of photos out there with him.


Not totally sure when, I’m pretty sure it originated in the previous forum version before December., around when the first screenshots of Dubai were released. Someone must have tied the Golden Heli to the Epic Deal,and the joke became: He uses Hitman money to buy a bunch of helicopters (one of the reasons why there’s so many in the game).

Then, it took off from there. Took off… like a helicopter. :wink: :man_facepalming:


And it’s been hovering around ever since :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Yea the joke will likely just keep hovering around until it runs out of gas.

sorry for piling on the bad puns, but I wanted to give the hover one a “whirl”


Definitely started rotating between users…


I started this thing, when the Epic Deal was announced and everyone was angry i posted something like “Everyone is angry about the exclusivity, but I’m just happy that Hakan now can fly to work in a new helicopter”

From there it turned quickly into a golden Helicopter because thats just more ridiculous and nowadays he owns multiple ones.

I also know from a trusted source that he never could finish the Jungle Missions in Codename 47 and thats why he’ll never greenlight a Remaster.


What is a helicopter pilot’s favourite band?
Huey Lewis and the News


i’m legit chinook by that joke.


Are there any lists of NPCs for the H3 maps? Something like those:


This seems to be something @DrMekar would be aware of. Maybe they can help. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sorry for the late reply, I stayed away from H3 after some frustrating Modding Experiences. There is a List, so it’s not ordered so well as the one above. You’ll have to look in Repo NPC Outfits


Is it me or has the forum been less… green for a while. Has anyone heard from @TheContractor? :no_mouth: :green_circle:


No idea. I’m pretty sure he mentioned that he wasn’t too into Hitman recently, so he’s probably taking a break for a bit, possibly from the forums too.

Still, I hope he’s okay. (The system says he’s read comments recently, so I don’t think he’s dead.)

edit: actually, I’m not entirely sure?
The read time is the total read time you’ve spent on this forum. For Contractor, that’s 15 days. For me, that’s 14 days.

Not totally sure what the Read time in brackets is for (maybe last tracked time over a week?)
There’s this post :arrow_down: about how it works in Discourse. I’m not code-savvy enough to know how it all works. @wincenworks can you maybe clarify?


Thank you! That’s a great! Is there a way to see which NPC belongs to which map?

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Was wondering about him as well :no_mouth: