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Opposite with Fiber Wire. Noticed today that you can’t bring the classic Fiber Wire in a Pickup (or at least not in every) but you can bring it with you as a loadout.


Thats what i thought too. But it doesnt work neither.


Can you use EE exits as “Single Exit Only” in contracts mode?


I think yes.
Miami dolphin exit works fine if I remember correctly.
But the problem with those required exits - no one knows which one is needed, especially when location has several EE exits


Is it just me or does someone else too has the feeling that the PS5 Version of Hitman 3 gets worse with every update? I’ve checked out the new Envy Escalation just now and the saving icon wont disappear until i pause the game, the bug with the abruptly stopping music happened multiple times and the game crashed twice while restarting the mission.


Did Clemens and Travis say in Gluttony stream that it’s gonna have shortest roadmap in sins? Because Envy is exactly same lenght. How longs in Wrath gonna be then? It won’t be until end of December, I’d imagine, but still - there must be something after sins that is mostly already prepared/done (outside obvious HH and HSF).


I’m with you here. I also remember them saying as much in the Insider. They said that it was then the shortest season yet, but they didn’t say anything about the following ones.

For the next season, we obviously don’t know but all Hitman 3 roadmaps follow the same pattern of one free content release per week. It can be an escalation, a batch of contract, an event, or an Elusive Target. 7DS is in addition, as it his paid content.

It just happens that Gluttony and Envy only have the four content release (two ETs and two batch of FC).
Maybe because they had nothing more ready to properly release, potentialy because the ressources are more focus on a smaller number of content, in exchange for more complex and potent gameplay (Dartmoor Garden Show, the last 7DS escalations…). We had no new “normal” escalation since the season of pride. It would also explain the small delay of the season of Lust.

If wrath has a seasonal event (Halloween), I guess it could be at least five weeks long.


If I remember correctly, there is a possibility to unlock a silenced sniper rifle in Paris, is that right? Do you know what I have to do for it?

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from what i can remember the only sniper rifle you can unlock in paris is the jaeger 7, it was silenced in 2016 iirc but it’s unsilenced in hitman 3.


I want this one, I thought I can unlock it in Paris?

I have it on my PlayStation, but I am currently playing Hitman on my PC, too, and there I have to do all the unlocks again :sweat_smile:

Edit: I just see that it’s not silenced but anyway… I want this one :sweat_smile:

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The Jaeger 7 Lancer unlocks at Mastery level 20 in Sapienza.


Ooooh it was Sapienza! And I thought it was Paris :sweat_smile: thank you :heart:


Needing a favor. Anyone with H1 (on PC) still installed, could you look up this contract ID,


and take a screenshot of the briefing and post it here?

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I tried to find it, but I can’t. I have Hitman 1 installed, but also 2 and 3, maybe that’s why?


Having H2 & 3 shouldn’t matter.

You did look for it within H1? I’m certain contracts from the previous games aren’t carried over.

If you did, then maybe they’ve scrubbed some of the older content. :fearful:

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@Urben is the name pronounced “er-ben”, “or-ben”, or “oor-ben”?


Its pronounced “Urben”


Pretty much how you pronounce urban. Since it comes from the long name “Ben Urbach” you can also pronounce it German, close to oor-ben. :wink:


@Khakiasp Have you ever beaten the Taras Nabad master level? If so do you have any tips on how to beat the triple marauder hallway, the coin room, and the double arch-vile arena? I either die a lot on those arenas, or resorted to using cheap tactics instead (sticky bomb every where for marauder, 2 bfg shots for the archviles).

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Pffft, when the taras nabad master level was released i hadnt played doom eternal in a long while, so nearly every arena gave me trouble. But heres what i tried to do for those arenas from what i can recall.

Triple marauder hallway: this is a much more cramped version of the double marauder fight at the end of uac atlantica. I tried to make sure that they never did their shotgun attack (as they were sure to hit another marauder pulling up their shield and most likely summoning their dog). And for the rest i did a lot of backpeddling waiting for them to flash their green eyes. Then the simple ballista, supershotgun, ballista combo.
If i got cornered i tried to double jump and dash out of the spot.

The coin room: oh god the coin room, this was my biggest nightmare when playing this level. For one FOCUS ON THE CARCASSES AND PROWLERS. You van avoid the big guys, until the doomhunter spawns, you need to take of that guy. For the rest dash around a lot. for the buff totem phase shield bash a lot. It will give you some breathing room against the amount of enemies.

Double archvile arena: this one was vile aswell. A cramped space with many enemies and fat enemies like mancubi, tyrants and of course archviles. Id 100% use your bfg and crucible charges here. I used one crucible charge on an archvile and another on an tyrant. I used the bfg on the second archvile and tyrant and i killed the third one be hand. For the rest freeze grenades and regular grenades are gonna be yer friend. And the flame belch aswell. Just try to keep your armour high and your ttk low.

I hope this can help you a little