Yup, like Evil mentions, the boat exit is super convenient for the “proper” method of poisoning Tzun and killing Lee Hong in the mansion, but for the sniping method (or any method involving killing him in the restaurant), a street exit would´ve come in handy
This still wouldn’t excuse its weird placement in my opinion,which is so annoying gameplaywise.It also makes no sense why this is the only exfiltration method on the map.They could have also added a bus exit,a cliff exit or something similar if you asked me…
It being the only exit is not a great move, I suppose. But it’s rather minor compared to the James Bond shenanigans 47 gets up to in some of the H2SA missions.
Uhmm…But tresspassing isn’t a crime(ok,well,it can be and can ruin SA,but only if they start shooting when you’re not in the suit),so…?If you run straight to the exit once you get down there,then they won’t even have time to start shooting.