Community Featured Contracts - June 2022 "HOT SCOPE"


Iā€™d definitely like to see more remake missions like Noodle Massacre too, but out of all the classic missions, you chose Bjarkhov bomb? The only good thing about that mission was the atmosphere in my opinion. :smile:

Gameplaywise it was really bad. I also think it would be hard to recreate the feeling of this level in one of the modern level to be honestā€¦


Ha ha ā€¦ I am an explosion specialist (of course in Hitman Contract Creations) :crazy_face:
Blowing up the submarine was fun. In fact all the missions in Hitman Contracts are good. The pulley cart on track in that mission was also fun.

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Far Frag, by Urben.

This is a beautifully, expertly designed contract by a beautiful Hitman expert. It is also a huge pain in the ass. I am not good at hitting precision sniper shots. Maybe playing on PC with MKB would be better, but I was having trouble slowing down time with the controller bumpers and hitting the shot from across the map. Every time I missed the grenade, I had to restart. I was getting annoyed, so I tried a different approach.

I could certainly shave off time from this run, but this is more to demonstrate how to complete this contract with the tried-and-true ā€œgrenades were made for throwingā€ method.

The hardest part about this strategy is timing the grenade throw so 1) you donā€™t lock on to the guardā€™s head and void the ā€œno pacificationsā€ complication, and 2) killing him and getting him in the crate before being found.

I am glad I did it this way and I am happy with the result. Even at almost 7 minutes this run is currently ranked 118 on Playstation. Lots of flat running on Hawkeā€™s Bay. This map would be annoying as hell if you adhere to the HPP.


Well done! I knew it was offering a somewhat fair no-loadout approach. :smiley: To bad I could not squeeze a suit-only into it as well. :joy:

And sorry that it is such a pain with controllers. :stuck_out_tongue: Was it super hard even with Ghost level zoom?

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Iā€™m just not very good with the ā€œadaptive triggerā€ thing in general, and hitting the teeny tiny grenade from across the beach, one try only, was getting too frustrating.

Freedom of approach is the name of the game and it became more enjoyable for me to devise an alternate plan than to shoot the far frag.

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These are the contracts Iā€™ve played so far.

@Casetros Iā€™ve had a bit of difficulty using Athenaā€™s office as a sniping spot for multiple reasons, but luckily Iā€™ve found another spot instead. :grin:

@Charlie_Farmer I was a bit skeptical when I first saw the kill conditions, which seemed a bit random, but the contract turned out to be really fun to route.

@Hamushi I assume thereā€™s a spot from where all the targets can be sniped, but I guess my method works too. Curious to see the intended solution though. :thinking:

Quite a fun batch so far. I am a fan of contracts involving sniping. :grin:


It wasnā€™t too bad with the Xbox controller, but enough of a pain that you may or may not have a curse on you now. However, aside from challenges, I rarely use with a sniper rifle.

It was an enjoyable contract though. Still have 4 more to go over the weekend.


The objective of this contract is to complete the mission without going near the crime scene.
The starting point that does not approach the mansion, that is the main roadā€¦


When can we see your run of it? I know it will be an insane strategy. Looking forward to watching it @Hamushi!


He already have run for this oneā€¦:HITMAN 3 _ My Contract _ Furuhata Nin47rĆ“ - YouTube


@IlikeHitman my contract was aimed at speedrunning and you my friend have blown my expectations out of the water, nice run!
Iā€™ve seen my contract on Youtube by over 25 different people and not 1 is the same.
My contract can be completed only on those stairs to the upper level of the Kronstadt bar.

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I had a hunch the intended way was to start main road, but I couldnā€™t think about any way to get a view on the bodyguard in the manor. Now that Iā€™ve just watched your method, Iā€™m wondering why I hadnā€™t thought about making the panicked NPCs report the shots to him as well. Smart kill! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Rating this batch too, as always, wooooo!!

I got some massive skill issues

I feel like these are unpopular opinions

BEST: Man In The Grandfather Clock: Got to admit, didnā€™t watched Stranger Things, hence I donā€™t care about the reference, but the contract itself is a success, the 3 targets arenā€™t that interesting, but the time rush of doing it all while clearing the office (either pacifying everyone or just getting them all out of the room) is making it 10 time more engaging, 8/10.

2ND PLACE: Engulfed In A Fiery Sorrow: This was a really good contract, but not a good sniper contract, there was no purpose for using the sniper other than the sniper kill itself, the rest are easier to be done with a pistol, sad but still a fun contract, also, Iā€™d change the kill method from specific accidents to general accidents, just because it pains my eyes to see so many kill methods, 7/10.

3RD PLACE: Furuhata Nin47rƓ: Watching the intented and seeing that the sniping spot is actually the main road and not the mansion itself was wild, but, tbh it worked perfectly from where I played it, except for the the guard and the maid together, they both ruined that start, 6/10.

also that main road start is for the extreme players, noobs like me play mansion :sob::sob::sob: .

4TH PLACE: Far Frag: aight, here I go, getting suspended from HMF, please Urben forgive me :sob::sob::sob::sob:, obvs Iā€™m joking donā€™t take me serious, anyway, SNIPING A GRENADE MR. URBACH? As a console player, this was beyond torture, anything else was kinda fun, but that single shot was torture, 5/10.

5TH PLACE: Only Daffodils: this was fun other than;

  • Should have chosen the NPC next to Alex, he gets distracted the most.
  • Why Annie? She was just a torture to kill.
  • Complications are stoopid, couldvā€™e been better without, Headshots Only is annoying, 4/10.

6TH PLACE: Hot Scope,Cold Snipe: These distractions are ridiculous, the isolations donā€™t work as they should and there could be better choices for targets, but at least the god of briefings has returned with the greatest FC briefing Iā€™ve seen, 3/10.


ā€œOnly Daffodilsā€ made me more disappointed and sad. Not because it was bad, far from it, but because it was another snipe 5 targets in Dartmoor like my ā€œAll In a Dayā€™s Workā€ that I didnā€™t think to resubmit. I doubt they would have picked three vaguely similar Dartmoor contracts but it might have been my best chance to get a featured contractā€¦ Wallowing in despair aside, it was a fun time and thatā€™s three down, three to go!

My runs of a couple of the featured contracts.

Man in the Grandfather clock: Hitman 3 Featured Contract - Man In The Grandfather Clock - SA - 1:05s - YouTube
Engulfed in Fiery Sorrow: Hitman 3 Featured Contract - Engulfed In Fiery Sorrow - SA - 52s - YouTube


Additionally, ā€œits an Attic-tionā€ (your contract) was one of the contracts which was good (as per my personal taste) - liked the target selections and the gunshots was fun.

To what I observed and assuming, the contracts are getting picked depending on variations - no contracts are bad - the six contracts must have all different tastes.

Also is it possible to tag specific weapons or explosive device in PS4?
I mean I had couple of plans to make colorado interesting but while using the triangle button assult rifle doesnot change to a specific weapon.


I believe that tagging specific weapons or explosive devices is a PC mod. Us console players are out of luck. I believe Urben or KevinRudd can confirm.


I donā€™t know if I want to shake @Urbenā€™s hand or punch them in the face.

On the one hand, Hawkeā€™s Bay is hauntingly beautiful (and woefully underused) and, design wise, ā€œFar Fragā€ is on a level I could only dream of making. On the other handā€¦

Man, is it infuriating! I consider myself to be a player of above average skill but, boy, do you need some precision! I managed to get into the Top 50 on Xbox but I lost count of how many tries it tookā€¦

All that said, I felt compelled to give it that many tries (and I certainly canā€™t say that about a lot of contracts). I guess, in summary, I hated it. I love that I hated it. I loved it. I hate that I loved it. Hopefully, that makes sense.


Thanks m8

Itā€™s Urbenā€™s HCCE mod, if you want to make an HCCE contract just ask someone to recreate on PS through the mod