Dartmoor Garden Show

Oh, good point! I don’t think so, we probably will “just” get the suit. But that’s more than ok for me!


It’s how I look on the game which is my personal opinion that apparently they’d like to be silenced I will 100% stand for what I said in that comment bc apart from the 7DS there’s nothing but escalations, 1 new and 1 old ET, bearing in mind I can’t control everyone else opinions and if others feel the same then that’s not up to me. To call it toxic is a bit of a stretch considering we’ve waited 7 months now for more then escalations and still haven’t got anything new which disappoints me, to flag an opinion is just stupid they should take it as community criticism.


As you can see on the count of likes, many People, including myself, agree with your statement or atleast a Part of it, so I wouldn’t really care for the flag. (Also it’s gone anyway, due to your edit.)


I couldn’t have said this any better myself :pray:t2::+1:t2:


Will there be challenges (“s”,not just a “complete every level in this escalation”), designed approaches for assassination and story in the garden show? It’s an EVENT, isn’t it? Shouldn’t it be something more than other escalations?

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if you look back at the 2016 “roadmaps” they were basically just 1 escalation and an ET. What we have right now is far better.


I just want something more than escalations, at least there ARE bonus missions and patient zero missions in HITMAN, and sniper challenges, New York, Haven Island and special missions in HITMAN2.
Now what we got in HITMAN3? escalations! I’m hoping to have more missions when they give me Dartmoor Garden Show, about which I’m really excited… THEN? It’s an escalation? Again?


The Dartmoor Garden Show is an Escalation, sadly.


Bonus missions were in development and mostly finished before Hitman 2016 released, so you can’t really compare those to each other.

It’s been stated Hitman 3 won’t be getting any new maps.

You also have to note that we’re still in a pandemic, bonus missions and new maps aren’t going to be released only 6 months after release. Although a lot of the content being escalations it allows IO to experiment with a lot more features. I say give it time before we get bonus missions or special assignments.


Embrace the hope!!
That all we can do now…
I just hope IOI could do something in the future for 47… It will be his final show for quite a long time…

Why am I so crazy about it is that HITMAN2 stop its upgrading in 2019, just one year since it’s available. Now half of it for HITMAN3 has gone and still nothing comes out and it doesn’t look so good according to the performace in the last six months, let alone the pandemic… Maybe it is because I live in China that I automatically ignored the pandemic…sorry for that…


Just keep in mind that a bonus mission can be 6 months of work or more, and a full location between 8 and 12 months, for a dedicated team. Now why do they prefer escalations over the classic missions because it is cheaper, much cheaper. For a map, you have to pay a lot of people for a long period. This was possible back in the day when there was only Hitman, but now they have 2 other AAA games in production.

All you can hope for is that they will twist a little bit their resources by the end of the year to finish this trilogy properly.


Dartmoor Garden Show, releasing August 5th, will be a new, free permanent event in a completely reworked Dartmoor.

This mission will have Contracts Mode enabled, but it is also an Escalation. This bonus mission / Escalation hybrid mission is the first of its kind.

Trailer coming soon.


Hope that they are saving money for more surprising events incoming, instead of saving money for 007…or worse, saving money for profit…

There are countless companies in China spending every minute on getting profit instead of making more fun, which is why I’m so sensitive about this… Sorry dude


I guess it’s time to rename the thread as “Permanent Escalation” or just “Escalation”.
Because… Well, because it’s an Escalation. So to avoid confisions.

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  • No

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or perhaps, “bonus mission / Escalation hybrid mission” :slight_smile: to be exact (according to @Ibbe )

Perhaps. This thread won’t just be about the Escalation, as it’ll have Contracts Mode enabled. If it’s going to be renamed, “bonus map” should also be included in the title.

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I said it before, what H3 has given so far isn’t comparable to H1 and H2 in terms of content - i still hope for a new level (possibilities are endless, especially goofy ones). I can’t find who said here it’s going to be a long time before any new game. This is my greatest ‘fear’ about Hitman. IOI is putting all his efforts into its James Bond game, so we won’t see any Hitman in a while, and it happened before… well you know.

That is why i embrace this Garden Show with open arms! I had a good laugh all lunch because i kept thinking ‘this is so Agatha Raisin’. There is something hilarious about a garden show introducing 47, don’t you think?


I say just add in (Escalation) to the Dartmoor Garden Show part


Shouldn’t we have two threads? One about the Escalation and one about the location in general?


Speaking of this, I wish they would name it a bit different. All these “special escalations” that change scenery, like the 7Sins, or the Halloween one, or now the Garden Show. There is no indication that they are entirely different from the rest. We got more tabs for missions in Hitman 3, why not an escalation tab, devided into “Classic Escalations” and “Enhanced Escalations” or something. Just to be consistent.