Elusive Target #14: THE BOOKKEEPER (15 - 25 October 2021)


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Perhaps, but I’ve got boxes to check and I’m none too choosy on how I get to them.


Thanks, I was actually about to ask that. I think I’ll blow up his exit plan to create some intentional chaos.

I think I’ll do the Scarecrow method in VR for this run.


Ooh, ooh! Do the hand thing! Do the hand thing! :joy:

I’m thinking of getting him into the well somehow. Maybe a shot from the Striker.

But another idea that didn’t/couldn’t work with ‘The Entertainer’ might work with this guy (a Proxy ‘Wake-Up’ kill). But getting him in the spot might cost me SA. If he falls and drops - I’m good. If I have to move him - that might blow it.

The hard part might be getting rid of his entourage of body guards. He even has a Super Enforcer.


For everyone looking for more intels to plan a route : his suv is the one next to the west bridge exit/entrance point.

And if you destroy it and the target enters a state of panic, he will go to a secure point : the basement, just be careful he will be with his four bodyguards

In the basement he will be stationnary in the NW corner and with some distance from his bodyguards, if you want to place a propane flask it’s a good accident explosion method without the stress of timing it.

I know I will try something with that. Just with some more flair :wink:


Rekked him exactly the same way I did in 2017, except that Propane/MicroTaser replaced Fire Enxtinguisher/Breaching Charge. My Colorado Suit with its stupid-looking Hunter’s Hat is back, baby.


The fourteenth one of my ‘SASO No KO No Emetics FIber Wire’ on Elusive Targets series…and I unfortunately failed it.

How I failed it:
My run involved having to place 4 items that on the stairs in the compound for the guards to pick up so that I could easily isolate the ET. This meant that I had to use a different method of opening the safe, this method was the Nitroglycerin.
Yup, I blew myself up throwing the Nitroglycerin at the safe.
Here is a clip of what it looked like

How my run would’ve looked like:
As I can’t be bothered to unlock items that the guards can pick up to use in the run, I won’t be playing this ET on my alt. So the least thing I can do right now is explain what my run would’ve looked like:

Lets start with the loadout:

A bare step by step:
Get the stash >> go up the ledge from the back of the compound >> throw Nitroglycerin at the safe and take the Ledger >> place 4 items that can be picked up by the guards on the stairs >> wait for the ET and the guards >> let the guards pick up the 4 items >> isolate the ET in the bathroom and Fiber Wire him >> escape through the West Bridge Exit.


i feel your pain my dude


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, what a shame to fail. lets hope a difference to the et formula allows you to properly do him another time


This is why I, who is not as confident in his abilities, will usually try to do a dry/mock run within the regular level. That’s painful. :cry:

I usually substitute NPCs for the target, or test in a contract. :confused:


Did they seriously code this so that the target goes into lockdown if you subdue his enforcer guard, even if noone witnesses it?

Also, if you sieker him inside the house he goes to puke off the balcony for some godforsaken reason.


The Bookkeeper, a true Hitman 2016 Elusive Target. No real opportunities, one big gimmick and a lot of dialogues.

As predicted, the ET walks in a puddle very quickly in his routine, so my first kill for my completionist profile was pretty simple.

Simple, but pretty. Shiny lights.

Now for my second profile and kill, I wanted to have fun and go methodical but lethal, Silent Assassin rating be damned.

The plan was simple : Remote C4 on his escape vehicle.
escape vehicle
Empty the basement.
Snipe his bodyguards from the tower

And the end of the plan would have been with a combat knife in the basement after letting the target spot me.

But as the lack of image for this last step can tell, I did not go with this plan to the end.

Because I overheard this piece of dialogue. So between this and the other subtexts in the briefing and dialogues, the target seems to be a finnish collaborator who volunteered to guard a camp in WW2.

So I did the only things worthy for a nazi.

I drowned him in animal waste.

Edit : just saw your post @Ibbe. That’s a bummer, I always look forward to your run. Your plan sounded glorious.


Aww, I guess he doesn’t ever go puke over the side of the slurry pit? I’d prefer to push him in, not throw him in, unless he’s already dead and it’s corpse disposal.

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the bookkeeper who just keeps on asking gets jabbed in the ass with a lethal syringe

when you poison him with emetic poison, he goes to the slurry pit, with his entire entourage following suit. but thats only if you poison him exclusively and no other person


This ET can go straight to hell.

Sieker to get rid of the enforcer guard so I can get up in front of Pertti without getting spotted, then a quick placement of coin and micro taser into an appropriate puddle.


preach, his entourage is a giant pain in the ass and really stifles creativity


No, I can assure you that I tried. If he is sick in this area he goes to a bucket near the demolition range. He is also closely followed by his bodyguards.

If you want to try, I think you can push him in the slurry pit. But for whatever reason he kept ignoring my placed coin.
You need to knock out his bodyguards though (and if you are like me half a dozen more) to make it silent assassin.

Interestingly enough if all four of his bodyguards and his vehicle are down, his routine after lockdown breaks. He goes back to the garage and just stands there looking at his tablet for the rest of the run. (or at least that’s the nod he was stuck in for me)

Edit : apparently @Khakiasp managed to have him go to the slurry pit. So apparently there is a possibility, maybe when he is in the Spec Op Training Area.


Well I am currently quite annoyed as the ET glicthed. I picked up the ledger and I eliminated the target, but none of the objectives were ticked off (I only noticed this when I reached the exit).

So, I clicked restart as the game was allowing me
to do so. Then I got an error message saying the contract is no longer available.

I don’t know if it was a server issue or my WiFi but it’s most likely the game… I’m not having any luck at the moment.


he went to the slurry pit for me when i emetic poisoned him outside the barn, or near the barn. real annoying for me as i wanted him to go to the bucket near the cooking station


So @Heisenberg it seems to be this way :
The Bookkeeper - emetic

Just know that he is followed by his bodyguards. And at least for me when all four of them were out, the target was stuck in the orange zone (but you can attract him to the green, so if unlike me you have a sieker or a syringe you could have him alone in the slurry pit with the right timing).

I believe in you Heisenberg :slight_smile: