Elusive Target Arcade

I’m only excited for the 2016 et arcade tbh I’m just hoping they don’t rerelease et already in the game bring us the ones who aren’t permanently in game

I just need the Collector and Procurers to be rereleased with different complications, and the first batch of H1 ETs as well. If none of the ones released so far are released again under any other conditions, I’ll be fine with that.

And of course, the ones that haven’t even been released, so far.

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ok, so having finally beat The Revolutionary for the first time last night (failed him when he wasn’t in the arcade), it seems like the one pacification only restriction was kind of helpful this one time. with most elusives that have a crazy amount of guards, i’ll try to subdue their guards one by one to make it easier. couldn’t do that here, obviously. this forced me to be more creative with distractions–a
conveniently placed suitcase, a dropped gun, a few coin tosses, all to get him in the back with a syringe when no one was looking.

this is the only time an arcade complication has worked in my favor though, and on the arcade levels leading up to him in The Indices, at least one more pacification would have been extremely beneficial. so what i’d suggest is: level 1, you can do 3 KOs, level 2, 2 KOs, and 3, only 1 KO.

i think IO has said that they don’t want to remove the restrictions for the ET Arcade, so maybe this could be another compromise :man_shrugging:


Finally got the Forger in an accident kill with a chandelier. Been waiting almost five damn years for that.


But did you use the MAIN HALL chandelier and do it in style? :joy::joy:

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Ew, no way! Running, explosives, starting from an on-site location, nope. Far too… I don’t want to say sloppy, since it was pretty well paced out… chaotic, that’s it, too chaotic for me.

I waited until the fellow was in his special room upstairs, lured the staff member away with the piano lid and then slammed it on him for an accidental KO (not suspicious in-universe), made the guard leave with an emetic syringe (poor fellow must have ate something bad earlier, had to excuse himself) and left a coin beneath the chandelier for the now-solitary target to see. Once he was in place I flipped the switch on the winch and bang, that’s all she freakin’ wrote. When the sick guard came back, he found the unconscious “clumsy” staff member, and then found his tragically departed employer, who suffered a terrible accident just while he was away feeling sick for causes unknown. A terrible accident at an unfortunate moment. SASO, gloves, no evidence left behind, didn’t even have to disable security cameras, didn’t have to run, and nobody knew I was somewhere I didn’t belong. That’s how you do it.

Correction. That’s how you do it… :wink:

Well done though, seriously. I think I just shot the guy in the head.

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Well, that’s how the “actual” Agent 47 would do it, anyway, so that’s how I do it whenever possible, at least on ETs and FCs and such. Sometimes on the main campaign if I’m truly bored I might John Wick it and just shoot everyone I come across until I get to my target and gun them down. But never for something as special as an ET, for me. Arcade mode might let me feel adventurous down the road, though…

Now that I’ve got the time, I’ve finally tried out some of the elusive arcade after they changed the amount of conplications. I played through The Clutches (Headshots Only), the Indices (One Pacification), and the Vitae (One Pacification).

Personally, I’m glad they took the feedback to reduce the amount of complications, as this felt a lot more fun and (open-ended-ly) challenging than the previous rail-roaded feeling of severely limiting options.

Granted, some of the complications might feel superficial, as they don’t affect gameplay that much, but can still offer ideas as to how to modify your playstyle.

With the No Headshots complication, I challenged myself to only use a sniper to take out the 5 targets.
Didn’t get SA, but it worked as a self-imposed challenge.

The No Pacification complication is a great single-obstacle game changer, since it affects one of the key pillars of HITMAN stealth.
However, I would like it if the game kept track of your One KO, perhaps affixed to the Objective HUD, as sometimes a level would have gone on for a while and I’d have forgotten I’d used it.
Or, once, I used an explosive on the ET Murillo. One of his guards must have been KO’d by the explosion, as in my rush to get the nearest scooter keys by knocking out an NPC, I failed the mission. I had no idea that accidental KO had happened, so a visual indicator would be nice.

I will say that replayable Elusives is great, as I don’t have to feel so pressured into getting a perfect SA.
With the added challenge of facing a series of targets that resets if you fail, as well as some targets you may not be familiar with, that’s enough for me.

I’m excited to see what new ETA contracts we’ll get in the future. Hopefully there are some Trilogy-Centric contracts, since the Hitman 2 track looks stale already. Also excited for the 3-stage Season 1 contracts. The 5-target limit felt a bit tedious and overly tense, even if the targets themselves feel a bit underbaked compared to later entries.


Goddammit, I fucked up on the Clutches at the last minute of the last stage and now have to start all over again! And in the dumbest of ways, too, because otherwise, I had it in the bag!


This is why I keep all objectives on in ETA, so to remind myself.

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What happened? Do tell, do tell.

I left the pack of tranquillizing gum in the bathroom of the cafe in Marrakesh after dealing with Mr. Giggles, so that the lady with the client list would eat it and drop the list. I did it in a way so that it would be seen by the NPCs and she’d be revived right away and leave the info on the ground, but I had never stuck around before when tranqing her to see her be discovered, so I didn’t know that it makes two guards go to enforcer status and run into the bathroom to look around. I was in the bathroom hiding behind the stall wall, waiting it out. Had I known they’d start searching and not just revive her, I’d have hid in the trunk in there once she’d eaten the gum. Literally the last step, I’d even grabbed the info, but got busted before escaping and have to do the Clutches all over again.

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Hold up, it does already track this in the HUD screen?

I’ve got my HUD set to Auto. So, it fades away.
I’ve found that When I’m knocking someone out, it doesn’t trigger the HUD to reappear and say the KO has been used… wonder if this is a weird bug…

I’ve got a question and was wondering if anyone knew anything about it but is the hitman 1 contract for the next batch going to be three et or five again?

It should be three like they said they were going to in the march roadmap


Alright, so I started The Clutches again last night and got through the The Bookkeeper and The Forger before having to stop for the night, and I got through both of them in less than an hour. The Forger isn’t that difficult once you learn his moves, so I just repeated what I did last week in faster time.

The Bookkeeper, however… I’m amazed at how easy he has turned out to be, once you experiment with him without risk of losing him completely. While I still haven’t figured out how to get rid of all of his guards, or get him to the slurry pit to push him in (both of those come with a “yet”), taking him out with the lethal syringe or a perfectly arranged accident has proven surprisingly easy. One particular oil drum that he walks by can have a coin laid at its base, no one else will walk by or see it before he eventually does, and once he does, a well tossed Big One, preplaced taser, or well-aimed bullet will burn the old Nazi fuck to the ground, no problem. Bring this guy on with a #2 contract, now. I got his ass.

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I’ve thought about starting a yt channel where I take out each target in a number of ways sort of like a complication and was starting with the ET’s if anyone would be interested in that

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The first one will be the prince :slight_smile:

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Yes, with a caveat. There’s more than enough videos of people using glitches, exploits, and bugs to take out targets. If you are going to make videos that rely on standing on top of muffins, shooting walls over and over so you can run right in front of a distracted guard, or luring NPCs clear across the map with a gun strapped to a rat poison box, I wouldn’t be interested in watching that.


Oh not at all I’ll be doing it basically on the targets routes and if the player has gadgets like the micro taser where they’d be able to use it for a cool easy kill

Mostly looking at:

There original route
Target lockdown and potential kills there
Where they’d go to be sick (toilet or somewhere else)
And then maybe for bonus kills at the end maybe have a few kills where they’re quite difficult to do but are fun