Elusive Target Arcade

I like the complications.

I know you hate No loadout. Add my voice to the chorus of those who like it.

If I could make contracts with “no/restricted loadout” as a complication, I’d be quite happy.

Doing the same ETs over and over again in ETA is kind of annoying, sure… but not caring about SA is the best!


Just did the Connoisseurs SA/SO with no KOs. Enjoyable run and who knows, maybe it helps someone. I thnk no loadout is my favourite complication. Forces you to be creative with what’s already in the area…




I actually think it is okay replacement for ET’s (for now). If it would use the fact that it escalation better (like by placing targets by difficulty in its levels) it would work both as ET and escalation. As I said, there are just too few ET’s in both S2 and S2 that I would probably just stick to S1 ET’s from now on (if they manage to fix them of course).

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Here’s a collection of the ET pics. All copy/pasted from Hitman wiki. Some I had to edit, such as the 2 targets in one mission (like the The Warlord and Gold Digger, The Doctors, The Deceivers, and The Procurers).

I debated on including the 2 targets for the Atlantede Water(?) scam, and ended up not putting them in. But, I did put in the 2 Special Assignment Targets. We all know they’re ETs. I think they even rewarded the default Mumbai suit for playing the (whoever) guy in Mumbai. I also included the Hokkaido Snow Festival target.

Of course, I did not include The Wild Card and The Undying… I didn’t see the point.

So the only other thing, or things missing from my idea were a list of complications to pick, as well as the number of targets one could pick.

I don’t see why an ET Marathon would be out of the question either.

One thing I don’t like is how The Deceivers (Trout and McGee) are both separate targets, and together in another. I’d rather remove the individual targets and just have the 2 in 1.


Finished recently the last batches of ET Arcade.

  • The restricted loadout for H3 ET is interesting. Instead of going through safe strategies, it forces you to go for disguises or items spread on the map. Not a big deal though, but still interesting.
  • The accident-only for H2 ET is rather overlapping with the usual strategies I used for the Politician and the Appraiser.
  • The H1 natch is rather good. I appreciated the three ET. I did achieve a SASO accident-only for the three ET. I enjoyed playing the Broker, as I only got the opportunity to play it with the H3 release earlier this year. A very good batch.

Looking at the full list of ET that @Tetrafish_21 showed above:

  • Including the two targets for H2 Special Assignment would improve diversity in H2 batches. Moroever, I do hope that next H2 batch includes both the Revolutionary and the Censor (that’s the combination that was not present in the previous releases).
  • I hope that next H1 batches include “new” H1 ET. If we look at the remaining H1 ETs that are still absent from ETA, we have: The Sensation, The Fixer, The Warlord, The Ex-dictator, The Chief, The Bad Boy.
    But considering these things:
    The Ex-dictator and Warlord are still buggy.
    The Fixer is to date “not considered” for ETA (according to a previous comment from Travis, saying that the Fixer doesn’t fit with the ETA system - don’t remember the actual sentence).
    Thus, the Sensation, the Chief or the Bad Boy would likely be part of the next ETA round. Moreover, the two last (Chief and Bad Boy) were reactivated in H2.

I enjoy this mode. But I think that we come close to its end. The number of remaining H1 ET decreases, the recycled H2 ET and the limited number of H3 ET together limit the possibilities of future ETA batches.
I do hope that next month includes other ETA with remaining H1 ET. And why not, the return of a “white-label product” of the Undying. Keeping the same mission, but with a new skin for the target (new name, new skin, new voicelines). But I don’t know if it’s only Sean Bean or the whole mission that is part of the H2 contract…


I would love a ET hitmarathon and each time they are in a randomise order so you don’t get use to the run I think it would be so fun to see how many I’d be able to do in a night


I hope that changes, I want the Fixer back above all others. I owe that asshole big.

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How would you feel if they brought the Fixer back in the ET Arcade but it was with a Restricted Loadout complication?

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i know people going to say to me but i would give it a try

I’d be pissed with any ET with a restricted loadout. The Fixer? I’d go fucking ballistic.


Can’t blaming you man

No. There is only one.


Just played the new batch and realized that The Politician has appeared on 5 out the 6 batches of H2 contracts. Man, and I thought we were giving Murillo a hard time.

I agree that the SA should be added to the arcade, they feel like ETs anyway and it would give more variety to H2 contracts. I’m pretty confident this were originally supposed to be normal ETs but then decided to turn them into SA, just like what happened with the Patient Zero targets.

I also would like The Fixer to come back in the arcade, with an easy complication of course. I went for the easy route and used the cheese phone when he appeared on H2, so I would like to try something more fun creative.


Wouldn’t surprise me if they removed the additional fail conditions in The Fixer for the Arcade, after all you can kill The Chameleon by any method and you won’t fail like you would in the OG ET format.


Exactly, jusrt cut the bs, and let us kill him before he head to meeting with courier.

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No shooting weapons nor throwing objects could be added as a complication to force the player to get up close and personal with the Politician. They should also restore the insta-fail features in the complications for the first playthrough of any arcade while allowing optional in repeats.

They could also make it so that you have to do the complications I order to get the challenges/unlocks of that batch, that way players are encouraged to do the complications at least once.

Thinking about the idea of earning cumulative points per ET that carry over to the next one…

There could be 3, 5, and 10 targets. Maybe a higher number of playable (at once) ETs could be unlocked after earning so many points. I’m thinking of something similar to the Sniper Challenges. Yeah. Talking about grinding a bit. Or perhaps setting particular restrictions per target to meet a quota for advancement.

Let’s say you pick 5 targets that are all from the same area, such as Paris.
The Forger, The Broker, The Pharmacist, The Identity Theif, and The Paparazzo.

Next, you can choose Restrictions.

These could range from…

  • KO’s allowed (this is the default).
  • No KOs (instafail if any KO’s are made)
  • Limited KOs (then choose, 1, 2, or 3) 4th would be instafail
  • KO’s result in a -250 Point deduction, but hiding any bodies = +250 Points.
  • Headshots Only
  • No Loadout
  • Accidents Only
  • Use ______ (method) Only. They could be pistol elimination, lethal melee, fiber wire, poison, sniper rifle, etc. But this might not be a good idea since some methods may be impossible to use on certain targets.

So the restrictions/requirements could be worth small bonuses… How much? Well, there are passive restrictions like No KO’s. Those shouldn’t be rewarded. Maybe using Fiberwire or Pistol Elimination would give more. It’s about Risk vs Reward.

Speed Bonus? :thinking:

As I’ve said previously, For the first ET you’d get 1x (standard) multiplier.
For the 2nd ET, you’d get 2x multiplier and it’d be added to your previous score. And so on.

Although, such a system might need to have all the kinks worked out. Or it could be a matter of trial and error.

So I was playing The Cartes Blanches elusive target arcade, and not least of concern according to both twins being enforcers limiting any variable enjoyment of my gameplay, I’m only just now starting to notice how disgusting his hairstyle is.

Genuinely, no joke, the greasiest looking haircut I’ve ever laid eyes on. It only took me a good while to realise but it just looks… bad. If you do not know what his hairstyle looks like, let me refresh you.

Wtf how can you not only screw up your hair like that, but also convince your equally demented brother to also don the same hairstyle?! You being enforcers makes it bad enough, but to have that hairstyle tops all the right areas of yuck. Make it make sense, because I’m genuinely confused as to how that came about.