Escalation - The Baskerville Barney (4 Feb)

I didn’t do this fast at all. I think my time was something around an hour actually but I had an absolute blast doing it! I pacified everyone in the house on the second and first floors, hid every body in closets and trunks, and then dragged the five Carlisle’s up to the second floor and just dumped each of them over the railing into the front room in succession. After that I hid the five dead bodies and snuck out to the exit. Never used a weapon, never used a lockpick. The only tool I used was a single coin and one of the body guard’s guns to get some of them to go away for a little bit. Very enjoyable!

On my run, I didn’t actually get an SA rating because the maid outside the room that Rebecca is in spotted a body before I could pacify her. I’ll likely try it again though as that was the only mistake I made.


Imagine if after that, the upper floor guards come down end of their shift to report and go home. The mansion is completely empty. They try to radio the bottom floor guards, but no response. They slowly go through the floors, room by room. Noone to be found.
As they scratch their heads wondering where everyone went, one of them, absent in his mind, opens one of the closets. Two house servants are cramped into it, it looks uncomfortable but at least they seem to be alive.
The guards rush to every closet, and one after another, they find the personnel cramped into them.
As they open the last 2 closets, they find the owners family, but they aren’t alive at all and look like they fell into their closets from 20 feet high.

No wonder they call it the haunted house.


I love setting up situations that (at least in my head) result in this sort of thing. On Alexa Carlisle’s route she always stops in to talk to this lawyer who is diligently trying to figure out where all of her money went. Once I took the lawyer and the bodyguard in that room out, she still goes in there but no one is there. She just stands there with her arms folded, looking at the room with a scowl, and wondering where everyone is. It’s great!

I also love that everyone outside the house is completely oblivious to what happened inside. Like they’re now gardening and securing an essentially empty house.

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This is what I was thinking for the second and third tiers! I’m not good at the speed running aspect so rather than deal with trying to set up and/or wait out the chandelier drops within sixty seconds of each other I figured I’ll just knock them all out. Good to know it is a viable, workable solution. Propane is even easier than what I was thinking (drag them and drop them off the balcony).

I managed 30th on the leaderboard for Tier 1 which is definitely a first for me (and likely won’t last long), but Tier 2 is killing me.

Haha, I felt like a speedrunner doing this under 4 minutes, and now people are doing it at barely over a minute. Crazy.

@GingerAgent if you don’t mind going “slow” then I found waiting until you get to the house to kill the married couple in the big room worked out great. Gives you lots of leeway to get the others, either via chandelier or emetics.

I had lots of fun killing everyone on the map in 20 minutes, dragging them all to the entrance for an ‘amoosing’ group kill.

Just for fun, I did the final level drowning all 5 targets, without using the sieker (or any gun at all) and without knocking out anybody. The run wasn’t perfect by any means (I took the safe exit to prevent slip-ups), but it wasn’t that slow and I had a lot of fun working it out. I killed Patrick with one second to spare :grimacing:


Cut it pretty close there indeed, but excellent map knowledge and timing. No ridicilous exploitation of a.i. with pistol shots or anything cheesy.

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Agreed, always cool to see neat tactics that don’t use coin/gunshot spam.

Decided to tackle this today between completing challenges. I go for SA by default, but with escalations I feel less compelled.

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Level 3 in 57s SA


Is it just me or is trying to kill all the targets without the family gathering starting locations a pain in the ass?

The son who plays the piano, for example, has to be in the exact right spot when he’s standing at the table. If you miss that millisecond long window of oppertunity he moves a step away and the chandelier will not hit him. Even when you knock them all out and put them onto a nice pile there’s a chance the chandelier will miss them because you can’t place them directly underneath it thanks to the tables.

Thank god this is accidents and not accident (chandeliers) and that there’s a propane gas tank in the kitchen.


I didn’t have trouble with the piano guy, but Gregory in the main hall wasn’t working for me at all. Eventually I gave up trying to hit him with the chandelier, but, as you say, glad it’s accidents and not chandeliers, so I killed him in different ways both with the propane flask and drowning.


If you get him to stand up from where he’s sitting the chandelier should hit him. Just don’t let him wall away.


Worked perfectly well on Level 1. Killed his wife with the one chandelier, he stood up, I shot the other one and it killed him.

On Level 2 and 3? Not so much. Same tactic but it only works sometimes. Maybe it’s because I shot the chandelier from the 1st floor on Level 1 and from the ground floor on other Levels.

Well I already got my SA on all three levels, but I tried to do it the way it’s supposed to be done and boy, it’s frustrating if you’re on a strict time limited, killed four of your targets and then fail because the last one somehow doesn’t get hit by a chandelier because he stands a millimeter too far to right. :angry:

So, I’m Team Propane Tank now. It may be clumsier, it may take longer and it may involve knocking out far more non-targets than necessary but it’s far more reliable and gets the job done.

It worked for me on levels 2 and 3… I shot both chandeliers back to back, so it got the wife first which made the husband stand up and then I got him. I did this on their second cycle though, if it matters. I started with an emetic shot on the sister.


As an old hat myself, this was also exactly how I completed level 3.

Finally got this done. I’m really no fan of timed escalations. But funnily enough I didn’t find a way to finish the second run SA. But got SA on the third and timed escalation. Don’t know what I did different. Also: Isn’t there a reward or something if you finish this escalation? Haven’t seen anything at the end.

4000 exp. Only rewards they added are deluxe escalations and the ‘tracks’ for hitman 1 and 2.
I’ve seen complaints about the lack of unique item unlocks from achievements.

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