Revenge of the Sith is my favorite Star Wars movie ever. Us getting the Anakin vs Obi Wan/Yoda vs the Emperor battles was the most Star Warsy thing since Luke blew up the original Death Star.
Been Reading Empire Vol 2,
A lot of fun stuff in this compendium of comics.
Continues the story of Dass Jennir and it culminates in a confrontation with Vader that ends with a sacrifice.
It also tells a story about Darth Vaders encounter with a deadly assassin that also establishes how a specific space station got its destructive properties.
And a tale of a clone survivor left for dead, jaded by the Jedi seeking revenge through the empire.
This compendium concludes with C-3PO and R2D2 going on adventures with their owners prior to the events of A New Hope. It’s more fun than it is action packed and bleak. It’s the equivalent to a Saturday Morning Cartoon if anything.
Oh and few isolated stories one involving Han and a Jedi ending with Han getting his memory wiped of the Jedi, Luke as a child alluding to how in tune he is with the force even as a child, and also one where Luke is in the dune sea and he is trying to survive a desert storm with a child named Annie, and lastly a encounter with Darth Maul and Ben Kenobi in the desert prior to its rebels debut.
Altogether a fun compendium that continues a lot of Vol 1 and further establishes the early years of the empire post Episode 3 down to how the destructive properties of the Death Star were created.
I have been watching Skelton Crew all night. It’s light and silly at times but it’s still starwars. I am enjoying it. I think I have one left. Its target audience is certainly not me, but me from 30 years ago. It’s clear they wanted people my age to be able to enjoy it as well and I have.
I can’t wait for Andor season 2 and I don’t believe Skelton season 2 is necessary, but if this is how they bring in new fans then at least we know it won’t suck.