Everything Star Wars v2

Osha wanted to stop her sister, she then has an unhealthy curiosity about her captor and the murderer of her companions, she fights her sister, then decides to kill Sol when she learns that he had killed their mother, thanks to a strangling power that appears out of nowhere. However, she has been the nice heroine throughout the series and had no Force gifts (or lost). Bravo morality. Does rejecting the Jedi order automatically mean taking refuge in the other side where she will be an outcast anyway? Also, I thought the kyber crystals determined the color of the saber, but no, it’s more dramatic when it changes color depending on your orientation.

Mae wanted to kill all the Jedi responsible for her family tragedy, then turns against her master (was completing her training and living with her sister incompatible? knowing that upon arrival they are both Jedi slayers), then sacrifices herself to her sister’s cause so that the latter becomes an acolyte of the dark side. I find her arc bizarre and unsatisfactory.

The self-proclaimed (or shadow-trained) Sith seems desperate to be joined in the dark side of the force, with any of the twin sisters. The helmet seems to have become the trademark of villains in SW; in this case, it serves him in fights where he is in the minority. He is absolutely overpowered in lightsaber fights, there is no doubt about that, but several times disarmed by Sol, he should have died… PS: being Sith allows you to erase memories like on droids.

Sol lets himself be completely overwhelmed by what is happening to him, wanting to both be excused by Mae and preserve Osha, because he is tortured about the incident when they were young. When he turns his back on his attacker in the ruins to talk, I understood that he was going to let himself be fooled by the twins. He should have warned the Order about the “vergence” rather than going it alone (don’t tell me the breakdown in transmissions was the excuse for not reaching Coruscant.).

The sort of original Jedi plot was interesting, I think, because it shows that there were flaws in the Order. Those responsible paid the price, with Torbin becoming mute and Kelnacca going into exile.
The duels are pleasantly choreographed, as if several types of martial arts were combined to offer us a refreshing vision of the fights. I didn’t understand Sol’s saber in the last episode, which looks like a toy.

I wasn’t expecting anything, but I was entertained by this new and somewhat disjointed story. I don’t know if it will have a future, because it touches on the foundations of the universe (cf origin stories), while the derivative series with the Mandalorian for example can extend as much as they want. Good to wait before Season 2 of Andor, let’s say.

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Huh? It’s been clearly established that the power to strangle someone exists since the very first movie in 1977. It was practically the first force power ever shown. If you just mean that that the character shouldn’t have known how to do that, I still say, huh? The dark side is based on anger and emotion so if she’s mad enough, there’s every likelihood that it just happened without any need for training or preamble at all.


Have you heard the tale of Darth Plagueis the Wise? Well you can’t now, they cancelled his show before the second season could even begin.


In the end, same ol’ souless Ubisoft slop.

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Star Wars Outlaws,

Honestly I’ll get it out of the way now. I had the opportunity to check the game out early and I can safely say this game isn’t a steaming pile of crap. It’s probably the safest 7/10 I can possibly give with my complaints stemming from the lack of depth the game provides given its open world nature and in general its technical issues.

Outlaws is probably a scaled back RDR2 in presentation. For many this will come as a disappointment, but for others not so much. One particular issue is between the combat where it’s very uninspired. While you can unlock skills and upgrades to improve this type of things. Weapon Variety or the lack there of a more permanent solution to Blaster variety hinder the possibility of something special. Melee feels not impactful and suffers from the three hit combo spam x to defeat curse also.

NPC’s alongside Kay have this very wooden presentation while in-game. To simply put the faces lack details when during in-game dialogue. On some instances too performances sounds iffy. Fortunately this doesn’t persist in the pre rendered cutscenes which look extremely beautiful and are my main drive to continue this game.

One thing this game excels at is art direction, sound, and music. It looks like Star Wars, sounds like Star Wars, and feels like Star Wars. For anyone who loves the original trilogy the game is very familiar to the fans and that alone is very comforting.

One spoiler I need to mention is a usage of a legacy character and the person voicing them… it’s very terrible and doesn’t do the character any justice.

Star Wars Outlaws isn’t a perfect game, but it very much plays it safe. It’s not necessarily worth the price tag asked for it. To which I say wait for a sale or buy Ubisoft+ Premium. It’s fun within reason, but its issues are very glaring. I recommend as a fan, to check it out. But don’t pay full price for the game especially the ultimate edition.

So again 7/10. Ubisoft made a decent introduction into Star Wars.


At least it’s not as bad as ME Andromeda. It’s closer to Starfield’s facial animations

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A classic from the PS1 era. I never made it very far into the game, maybe I can change that this time around.

Also glad to see they kept Mace Windu’s lightsaber colour blue like it was in the original release.


Only Star Wars game that was ever worth playing for me was Episode 1 Racer. Time for a remake with today’s game’s standards.

Boy you should play the “Super” Trilogy on SNES.



My post will be discussing gender identity and ta transgender clone within Star Wars. I feel I need to state that I’m gonna be critiquing a development within the current Extended Universe, and just weird anomalies in regards to the lore. I’m talking about this for the sake of discourse as a Star Wars fan with Star Wars fans.


For people who aren’t aware, Sister is a clone trooper that debut in the franchise back in 2022, but has since been a point of contention in the EU part of the fandom due to the recent release of The Secrets of The Clone-troopers.

What sets Sister apart from the rest of the Clone Troopers is to simply put it, she is Transgender. While Clones having unique personalities is nothing new, but for the most part they’ve been pretty uniform in presentation. While this is all well and good, I’m simply criticizing the standards set by the Kaminoans and their views on Clones since the implementation of Sisters raises questions without providing much answers other than her brothers accepted her by calling her Sister.

Kaminoans went about the clones where for the most part outside of clone commanders. The mass majority of them were meant to be less independent, and completely obedient and more uniform. While’s ones in leadership roles were more distinguishable and had more independence.

Ones viewed as defective or didn’t pass QA were simply disposed off. It can be argued that there are outliers because of the bad batch. The purpose of the BB were because the Kaminoans wanted superior soldiers with unique skills. This was strictly experimental hence why there’s a small quantity of them initially until the Empire intervened.

While female clones do exist within Star Wars, they weren’t created with the mindset that they would be like their brothers hence why Omega and Emery in the Bad Batch aren’t Clone Troopers.

I’m wondering how given the Kaminoans need for perfectionism and simply their views on the clones how was Sister able to continue her time within The Clone Wars without the intervention of their creators? Especially given to my understanding Sister isn’t even a Clone Commander or Captain who were bred to be more independent and less obedient.

I suppose this is a circumstance of Sister discovering themselves after training on Kamino which is why it would go under the Kaminoans radar, but this is just my head canon.

Regardless this is EU discussion and it’s always been controversial. Bright side is the Armor paint job is cool and will definitely be a hit for people who want to cosplay. I welcome it, but I just wish when it came to the implementation of the character it explained how she was able to exist outside of her saying her brothers accept her. I could be missing something here, but who knows really. The EU has always been messy.

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Weird question that idk if anyone can answer. Recently I’ve wanted to play KOTOR 1 & 2 again on the hardest difficulty after watching this video.

I was thinking if they can play through the entire game using only a Plasma Torch as their main weapon I can probably make a really good character while playing on the hardest difficulty without that same limitation. So far… it’s gone badly lol. I had to quit after my team kept getting defeated by Tusken Raiders lol. I was of the assumption if I can’t even beat them I’m probably not gonna get much further into the game successfully. So I’ve started over. I was thinking my character build was probably poorly optimized and could be improved. So I’ve spent the last little bit looking up different builds people have used. So I’m just wondering if anyone knows any good character builds they would recommend. Not really looking for any type of build in particular. Just something I can play through the game while also going 100% completionist by having enough skill for things like the HK-47 repair side quest. Outside of that I’d be open to trying anything.

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The creature has returned



When there’s Jar Jar, there’s


Expanded My Star Wars shelf


After playing tons of Star Wars KOTOR 1 & 2 recently it got me to go back to the MMO The Old Republic again. It tends to be a game I play tons of for multiple weeks or months until I get burned out, then I don’t end up touching it for multiple months or even a year sometimes. Still surprises me after all these years they’re constantly updating and adding new stuff to it.


20th Anniversary Logo for Revenge of the Sith.

Exciting times for me as a Star Wars Fan.

Revenge of the Sith fundamentally changed the trajectory of my life for better or worse since it was the catalyst that led me to love this franchise.

It was my first Star Wars I’ve seen in theaters and it’s an integral component/memory between my father and I.

I’m eager to see what comes out of the brand this year and am hoping for a re release in theaters.