Fan made Contracts of Hitman WOA

Title: Sizzling sunset slumber boat

Target/ complication:
Platform: Xbox
Featured contract image (heat stroke) :


My run here,Glad to see HITMANIST get a faster run(With not use my origional strategy):杀手3 自制契约 Fatal Security Hole #2 SA/SO 46s


Title: The 5 minute race track

Target/ complication:
Platform: Xbox
Custom image:


Title: High maintenance and temptation

Platform: Xbox
Custom image:

I’ve seen some of the weirdest briefings lately. Maybe there should be a REASON why these people should be killed? Oh well, to each his own, I suppose…

Well. That’s one briefing that should pretty much be placed in the “That One Contract with a Weird Briefing” pile. To be honest, that pile is pretty small. And it’s for Heat Stroke.

My two Heat Stroke ones involves around the Kukri Knife. Something tells me this set of Featured Contracts is going to be one odd bunch. At least my briefing explains why you want to eliminate these targets. Best of luck to that person. :neutral_face:

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For me, heat equals fire, so I made mine around fire accidents. But for Heat stroke anything goes. You’re right, we are in for an odd treat…

When I think of heat, I think of hot environments. And the cool execution thing. Yeah, that’s kinda what stumped me a bit. But I decided to make it odd by using the Kukri Knife as the kills.

I done it before with one of my envy contracts which I’m resubmitting this time - The Kukri Komposition which is set in Berlin. I love this contract and quite a few people played it. The kill methods are cool with one being Electrocution, one with Kukri Knife, and one with a Fall which involves pacifying the person first by pushing and dumping the body as the kill.

Much like Rubber Duck, I’m also submitting a new one - The Kukri Police, using the things that I would think of when it comes to Heat Stroke, hot environment - Marrakesh, and the cool execution… going into the Consulate Building which would have cool air conditioning, & kill some guards while dressed as a guard… with a Kukri Knife as the kill weapon. 2 Melee and 2 Thrown. The briefing is partially spoofing on a song. This contract also encourages newcomers to complete the Floor It! Discovery challenge in Marrakesh, cause that’s where the exit is… in the Garage which you can also start there to save time. Keys are in the room in the right as you enter from the front of the Consulate Building.

So yeah… my contracts are just as odd as it’ll get in theming for Heat Stroke. The Hot Scope ones I’ve created are better fitting in its theme.

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Title hirsch (harsh) uprising

Target/ complication:
Platform: Xbox
Custom image:

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Was that my briefing?

Contract name:DUCK’S TIME
Contract EGS ID:1-29-4377105-84
Contract STEAM ID:1-29-6679686-62
Welcome old players to play :duck:Duck duck package contract, kill DJ in seconds, good luck, 47


The briefing in one of your contracts, Sizzling Sunset Slumber Boat is a bit weird. There’s like nothing that says why you want to eliminate the targets. Good job for making those contracts though.

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Sorry about that im making a post now with a better contract

Title: Ice whisky with an explosive tang
Description/ target:

Platform: Xbox
Custom image (heat stroke):

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its meant to show 47’s mind tempting him after 47 being in the heat to long. Hence the link as heat can exhaust people (in this case this is dying.)
Sorry dident make it clear enough :grinning: :sleeping:

Oh. That makes some sense. Thanks for sharing your contracts. It’s good to get some feedback before the submission thread opens up. Hope you don’t submit too many contracts for Heat Stroke or otherwise you’ll be out of ideas for the Hot Scope Community Featured Contracts. It’s good to limit the number of contracts. 1-3 is a good number.

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yes its my last one, its just that i thought last night of that haven island one. :desert_island: :maldives:

If you like my contracts so much here is my youtube:
:england: My language for yt
Best of luck to your heat sroke contracts
PS: Notice the items on the seating
When do they pick the contracts im new to this forum, joined yesterday. :slight_smile:

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Title: Falling red blood grapes

Platform: Xbox
Custom image:
